47. | 2 AM

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The day continued like always, Y/n and Izuku spent the time in their house. Playing cards, watching two movies, playing video games and taking a quick swim in the swimming hall that is placed in their gated community.
Out of everything they did, the swimming came the most relaxing to the young girl. Her limbs had the chance to stop aching so bad, especially her neck. It felt like she had been sleeping badly for the past few days. Not only that, something does not feel right with her, she sees it in Izuku as well. Maybe she is imagining it?

Both Izuku and Y/n fell asleep early that night, never seeing F/n, M/n or Yuu enter the home. Izuku didn't want to sleep alone so he tiredly fell asleep in Y/n's bed, her welcoming him with a soft smile. Slowly drifting off to sleep.

Thursday, 2 AM


Her eyes shot open, chest heaving rapidly and she can't control her breathing. It's like the air is being sucked away from her grasp—only left to cling. She falls out of her bed, knees scraping against the floor.

That voice...it's too familiar, yet she has never heard it before. The weakness in that voice...who the hell was it? The female shuts her eyes closed, her elbows barely carrying her weight as she struggles to crawl. The doctor is definitely right when he told her that she is too mentally exhausted to do anything.

'Dammnn I feel so weak, h-how am I ever gonna become a hero' Her eyes starts leaking with fresh tears. She makes it to the hallway, slowly lifting herself off from the ground with all the power she has left. When did she get so weak physical?.

"M-Mom, Dad?" She tries to shout through her soar throat, it's burning so much, "I-I don't feel so good..." Just before her consciousness leaves, a hand hoists her up by the waist, keeping her in place and to not fall over and hurt herself.

"Y/n, are you okay? what are you doing?"

Her eyes shine open, still a bit blurry "Yuu?" She says breathlessly before her heads falls low, dropping over his shoulder tiredly.

"Hey! stay with me" Her brother tries to shake her, but she won't budge at all. A little panicked, Yuu brings her down to the kitchen and places her on the living room couch. He picks up his phone to call for their father. "Damnit!" The boy grits his teeth, their father had been absent to the phone all day for some reason. Probably a secret mission. And their mother is on a buisiness trip for three days. What a great situation.

Yuu checks the clock to find it 2 in the night, he has school tomorrow—most importantly, the freaking Sports Festival. How is he going to focus with so much happening around him at the same time? Their father is nowhere to be found, Y/n is obviously sick and Izuku can't just be left alone. A heavy weight is rested upon Yuu's shoulders, he can feel it starting to suffocate him wearily.

"Damnit dad, where are you?" The teen boy looks out to the windows, staring at nothing in particular. Yes F/n is a hero and night ups have not been a surprise for the L/n family, but they need him now. More than ever.

"Yuu...are you real?" A soft, yet raspy voice makes him snap out of his thoughts quickly. Yuu looks down to see his sisters face—pale of life, eyes almost clouded over from exhaustion. But before he can reassure her, she continues and her words draws out concern. "I'm not s-sure anymore...if I'm seeing things, I might be going crazy"

Sharp green eyes stare at e/c eyes in bewilderment. What did she just say? His nose scrunches up as he kneels down to the couch in front of her, hand over her forehead. "Y/n, what's going on with you? You're not acting like yourself" If it wasn't for her poor eyesight, she would have seen Yuu's big eyes leak with concern—the ones that usually hold so much joy.

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