Season 1: Chapter 1. The Plane Crash Part 1

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I wake up and my head is pounding. Theres blood dripping down my face. I look around to see fires and people running and screaming in panic. Then it all came back.

Our plane crashed.

I see a guy yelling holding his leg. I run over and relize hes losing blood fast. I rip of a peice of his shirt and tie it tightly to his wound

"Keep pressure on it to stop the bleeding"

"Thank you" he replies

I do the same thing for a couple more people then, I see a guy with blue eyes and black hair yelling for help. I run over there

"Whats wrong" I ask

"Shes not breathing" he replies

CPR isn't always reliable but hopefully it works in this case.

I give the woman CPR I'm about to give up just when shes coughs all the water out.

Just as I'm walking away they guys says "Hey I'm Boone, whats your name?"



Theres only 48 of us. Many people are mourning the loss of loved ones. The tail section of the plane broke off in the sky theres no telling where it landed.

I've met a couple people so far. Theres the doctor Jack Shepherd hes alreay taken charge. Kate Austen shes seemes pretty nice. The people I like most though is Claire Littleton, Charlie Pace, and Hurley.

Charlie and I both love The Beatles and Hurley and I both love Star Wars. Its good to have thing in commen with people your stuck on an island with.

Everyone is waiting for someone to rescure us. Me on the other hand, I have nothing no home, no family I'm not sure what would happen if we do get rescued.

I'm sitting next to a fire with Hurley. I feel like I've seen him somewhere I just can't place it.

"Hey Hurley would I have you before" I ask

"N-no why do you ask"

Then it hit me.

"You the guy that won the lotto!"

"Yes, yes I am"

"Wow what was it like?"


Just has I was about to reply, the jungle trees start moving like its an earthquake or a dinosaur was walking around.

Whatever it is it can't be good.


I barley slept a wink last night.

Kate, Jack, and Charlie go searching for the head of the plane.

This one guy has all the books for him self. I am a book worm myself and would like my book back so I walk over there

"Excuse me" I say clearing my throat.

"What do you want kid?"

"I would like my book back"

He finally looks up with his book

He looks at me almost like he recognizes me

"Well, can I have it"

"Um, yea sure here have it"

"Hey wait, whats your name"


"What about you last name?"


"Just curious"

"Fine, my full name is Hayley White"

"Well shorty you can call me Sawyer"

Little did they both now that would start a wonderful friendship

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