Chapter 10. Finding Claire

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It's been almost a week since Claire was abducted and theres still no sign of her. Charlie is almost losing his mind with her gone for so long, he really loves her.

Right now to distract myself from everything I'm throwing knifes with Locke and Walt. I know how to throw knifes with my background but Walt does not.

I throw a knife and it gets in the tree perfectly.

"Wow Hayley how can you do that so well?" Walt says suprised

"Lets just say, I have an interesting history"

Walt tries throwing one but it doesn't make it in. Locke and I teach how to throw a knife correctly.

He tries again and he gets it in, then Michael came over and runied it.

"Locke what the hell are you teaching my son!" Micheal yells very angry at Locke

"Well Micheal, Walt wanted me to teach him how to throw knifes so I did"

Micheal takes Walt away very angry. It obvious he's jealous that Locke ia getting along with his son better then his is.


Meanwhile Sawyer is still trying to get this case opened that him and Kate found.

"Saywer I told you, you need the code and a key, now I already picked the lock for you but the code is going to be harder"

He tries banging it against a tree.

"I told you force won't work besides whats in this case anyway?"

"I don't know shorty thats why I want to open it"

"Whos was it?"

"That detective guy that died out first couple days here"

"Theres probably guns in there"


"If hes a cop he probably brought a gun"

You see Sawyer already had a gun and kept for himself even though theres people her who have been using guns their whole like aka me.

Boone walks over asking me if I want to go hunting with him and Locke I say yes knowing we really aren't going to hunt and instead try to open the hatch. I want to tell Sawyer but Locke doesn't think thats a good idea.


We finally uncovered all of the hatch.

"Do you think someones down there?" I ask

"I dont think so" Boone says

"Look obviously we aren't alone on this island, theres a random hatch, some guy took Claire, and we know that french woman is still here" I say

"You're definitely right there Hayley" says Locke

As it start to get dark, we try to think of more ideas to open the hatch just when a dazed and confused Claire Littleton wanders by.


"Who are you? Where are we How do you know my name?"

"Its me Hayley, we are one the island remember"

She gives me a confused then it hits me.

"Claire what was the last thing you remember?"

"I got on my plane to go LA"

"Umm, is it okay if we take you back to our people, we have a camp and a doctor he might me able to help you"


We bring her back to camp. Charlie see Claire and his face lights up. He runs up do hug her I try to stop him

"Who are you?!" Claire says obviously flustered by a stranger hugging

"What its me, Charlie"

"Charlie, I think she has amnesia we need to get her to Jack"

When Claire says he doesn't remember him, his face drops, his smiles fades and the look of revenge on who did this to her is very present on his face.

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