Chapter 6. Everybody Loves Hugo

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While Sawyer and I were gone everyone else set up a camp.

Jin tells Sawyer that he is going to leave and go find Sun. Sawyer tells him that he has deal with Widmore but Jin doesn't seem to care.

Out of nowhere Jin gets hit with a dart.

"What the hell?" I say.

Then Sawyer gets hit and then I get hit.

Everything gets disoriented. I fall to the ground then everything goes black.


I wake up to Sawyer shaking me awake.

"Hayley c'mon...wake up."

I wake up and everything is still a little disoriented.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

"We were attacked."

"Yeah but by who?"

"Who do you think?"


I look around.

"Where's Jin?"

"They took him."

We both notice Locke and Sayid leaving.

"What's with the guns?" Sawyer asks.

"We are taking the boat to hydra island," Locke says.

"What do you need a boat for? Can't you just turn into smoke and fly your ass over the water?" I say.

"Do you think if I could do that, I would still be on this island?"

"No 'cause that'd be ridiculous. What the hell you going there over for anyway? I thought you were trying to avoid Charlie Widmore," Sawyer says.

"They took one of our people, James. So I'm going to get 'em back."

And they leave.

It's dark when Locke comes back.


Sawyer tries asking where they are but Locke doesn't give a clear answer.


It's the next day now.

Locke is carving wood.

"Is that going to be a spear?" I ask.

"I'm not sure what it's going to be yet Hayley, when the time is right it will tell me," Locke says.

"You talk to wood now?" Sawyer says.

"Sawyer," Kate says.


"Something I can do for you guys?" Locke asks.

"Is there something you can do? How about anything those bastards on the other island grabbed Jin and we are sitting here twiddling our damn thumbs, doing nothing about it," Sawyer says.

"There's a difference between doing nothing and waiting."

"So what are he waiting for?" Kate asks.

"You were only able to come back to this island because you all did it together. If we're gonna get on that plane and leave, it has to happen the same way. We're waiting for your friends to get here, Kate-Hugo, Sun, Jack- that's the only way we're ever getting off this godforsaken rock."

"Well, I don't see that happening."

"Well, lets just hope you're wrong."

We hear footsteps, Sawyer and I turn around to see Sayid.

"Where you been?" Sawyer asks.

He looks at Locke and says, "Can I speak to you in private?"



It's dark out now.

Locke comes back after being gone for a few hours.

"Where you been?" Sawyer asks.

"I went for a walk, James," Locke says

"Well, now that you've stretched your legs, maybe you can-"

I hit Sawyer one the arm stopping him from talking.

"What Shorty?"


He looks and it's Hurley.

"Son of a bitch."

"Um...hey," Hurley says.

"Hello, Hugo," Locke says.

"I don't know who you are, dude, or what you want, but we have to talk to you.


"There are other people with me. But the thing is, you got weapons and we got weapons, and I don't want anyone to get hurt...or killed. So we're not gonna do anything, and I want your word that you're not gonna do anything either."

Locke looks back at us. Then he takes his knife out of his knife holder hands it to Hugo and says, "You have my word."

Hurley takes the knife and says, "Okay, guys. Come on out."

Lapidus, Sun, and Jack come out.

"Hello Jack," Locke says.

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