Chapter 4. Ping-Pong

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Kate, Sayid, and Locke left to go find Jack at others camp.

At the moment I'm with Sawyer.

"Where the hell is all my stuff?"

"Everyone thought that since you weren't here they could take it"

"You didn't try to stop them?"

"I tried, but they don't listen

"Who the hell toke my whiskey?"

"No clue" I say obviously a lie but Sawyer doesn't seem to care


Sawyer and I walk up and see everybody carrying a ping-pong table.

"Ping-pong table, where did that come from?" I ask Hurley

"Jin found it when he was out looking for firewood, we made legs for it, paddles, now all we need is a ball."

"Found it?" Sawyer says

"Must've landed in the jungle when the hatch exploded"

"I thought the hatch collapsed" Sawyer says

"Look all we know is that the sky turned purple and after that I don't ask question, just made myself a salad and move on."

"Yea I can see thats working for you" I say only loud enough for Sawyer to hear

Then Sawyer spots Paulo with his guns and ammo magazine.

"Hey that's my guns and ammo, where the hell did you get it"

"It was in the magazine stack, we share things now"

I role my eyes, for some reason I don't like Nikki and Paulo.

"Listen, Zorro, it was in my stuff. Stuff you all decided to have yourself a party with while you thought I was dead"

"Hey I tried to stop them" I say

"I know Shorty, I appreciate that"

"Listen, hillbilly, if you want it that bad, take it" Paulo says

Sawyer sees that Paulo has Dharma toilet paper with him "Just keep it" he says as he walks away and I follow.


Hurley, Sun, Charlie, Nikki, and Paulo are setting up the table as Sawyer and I walk over.

"You all looking for something like this?" Sawyer says

I show them the small yellow ball we found perfect for ping-pong.

"Cool, a ball" Hurley says

He tries to grab but I'm faster and I move my hand.

"We need to do a little quick pro quo first, I know I've been gone awhile and y'all thought the general store was having a going-out-of-business sale, but now I'm back and I want whats mine" Sawyer says

"Yeah, but it wasn't really yours to begin with" Nikki says

I realize I roll my eyes a lot.

"A: It was mine when I took it. B: Who the hell are you and C: Becuase im fair, I'm going to let you play me for it?"

"Play ping-pong?" Hurley says

"That's right, Avalanche. You bastards put up your best player. One game. And when I crush them, you all got to bring me every piece of my stash back"

"If you lose?" Hurley says

"I ain't gonna lose, but if I do, tell you what, name it"

Sun and Jin talk to each other in Korean.

"Looks like Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon got something good. Lay it on me" Sawyer says

"No nicknames. If you lose, no nickname for anyone. For a week." Sun says

I smile because I know if Sawyer loses its going to be a good week

"Nice" Charlie says

"You're on"


They chose Hurley to battle Sawyer.

"So, you really the number one draft pick, Grimace?" Sawyer says

"Yep. Are we playing with the mercy rule?"

"Mercy rule?"

"Yeah, like if im up 11-0 then I, you know, automatically win."

Sawyer laughs a little and says "You're gonna go up 11-0?"

"No, I mean either one of us."

"Sure we can have a mercy rule"

"You wanna volley for severe?"

"I'll tell you what. Be my guest" Sawyer tosses the ball to Hurley

"Take him down, Hurley" Charlie says

Everyone is clapping.

"Zero serving zero" Hurley says as he starts the game

Sawyer hits it back and Hurley hits it past Sawyer and I think that means Hurley as a point.

Everyone else is clapping and the look on Sawyers face is priceless.

"One-nothing" Hurley says


I'm reading a book and Sawyer is trying to fix his glasses when Hurley comes over and says "Sorry I beat you so bad, dude"

"Sorry you hustled me, you mean"

"My mom had table in her basement. And I played a lot at the institu.... this place I hung out for awhile. I got kind of good"

Was Hurley going to says institution?

"Well hooray for you" Sawyer snaps

"Doesn't look like that last slam caused any long-term damage to your forehead and you got three points better than zero"

"Something you want?" Sawyer snaps again

"I came to give you back some of your stuff"

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