Chapter 5. The Dharma Initiative

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We get back to Daniel but Charlotte isn't there.

"Where's red?" Sawyer asks me.

"I don't know"

Juliet bends down next to Daniel.

"Daniel? Are you okay?  " She says

He nods his head no.

"Daniel, where's Charlotte?"

"She's not here. She...she's gone."


"She's dead. There was another flash...and she was just gone. Her body just...disapeared. She moved on, and we stayed." Daniel says fighting back his sobs.

"I'm so sorry"

"Hold on, wait a minute. We stayed? We're not traveling through time anymore? It's over?" Sawyer says

"Of course it's over. Wherever we are now...whenever we are now...we're here for good" Daniel says

We all decide to head back to the beach.

As we are walking we hear gunshots. Sawyer, Juliet, and I get our weapons ready.

We quietly move to where we heard the shots.

We hear a woman screaming, "Oh, no. No, Paul! Oh, god! Oh, god! No, no, no, no!"

We see a woman backing away from two men pointing a gun at her. They throw a bag over her head.

"Who do you think they are?" Juliet says

"Who cares who they are? We don't even know when they are" Miles says

We decide we are going to help her. 

"All right, drop the gun," Sawyer says

He shoots at Sawyer but I shoot him first.

Sawyer shoots the other guy with the gun.

I take the bag off the woman's head, "It's alright. It's okay, you're safe now. It's over"

"Who are you?" She asks


The woman is crying over her dead husband.

Juliet says, "He's wearing a Dharma jumpsuit. That puts us in the '70s, '80s"

"They guys with the bags, others?" I say

"Beats me"

"What, you all don't know each other?" Sawyer says

"Before my time."

Jin says, "Sawyer! Walkie."

He throws it at Sawyer.

"We need to go," Juliet says

"I'm on it," Says Sawyer

The woman asks us if we will bury the bodies and bring her husband, Paul, back home with her.

We bury the bodies and Jin carries the body back.

"All right, listen up. When we get there, there's gonna be a lot of questions, so just keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking" Sawyer says.

Miles says, "You really think you can convince them we're in a boat wreck?"

"I'm a professional. I used to lie for a living."

Juliet screams out, "Daniel! Stop!"

We are right outside the giant fence that is supposed to kill you if you cross it when they are on.

Juliet tells the woman to turn it off.

"Turn what off?"

"Whatever that is. Looks like some sort of sonic fence or something"

"Where did you say your ship was going?" 

"Listen, sister, we saved your life and hid those bodies. So how about you trust us and turn that damn thing off?" Sawyer says 

"Okay...okay, fine"

She goes over and puts in a code.

"Okay, it's off," She says

"You first," I say

She walks past the fence, "See? It's fine"

"All right. Let's go" Sawyer says 

We cross the fence and we hear this loud ringing in our ear. We all drop to our knees.

Next thing I know, I'm out cold.


Sawyer is inside talking to their leader. We are waiting outside for him.

Sawyer and from what I can tell by his jumpsuit, Horace comes out.

"Hello, somebody will be along shortly to show you to your rooms. In the meantime, Mr. LaFleaur can fill you in on the situation. And Mr. LaFleaur if you don't mind me asking why is there a kid with you?"

"She's my daughter"

"Oh alright" He walks away

"Okay so you're my dad and your or should I say our last name is Lafleur?" I say

"Yes, I improvised"

"What happened in there?" Juliet asks

"Well, he believed my story. But we're getting punted. Basterd's putting us on their sub to Tahiti."

"How's that bad news?" Miles says

This loud alarm goes off. Everyone starts running around while we stand here confused.

"Come on, inside. Move! Now!" This guy tells us.

We go inside one of the houses.

"Heather, keep an eye on them," He tells the woman inside the house

We are looking outside the window, this man, he's an other in our time, I believe his name is Richard, walks out.

"Uh-oh," Sawyer says

We see Richard and Horace arguing from the window.

Miles says,"You know what? Getting on that sub is starting to sound like a great idea. What do you say? Sub? Anyone?

Sawyer says. "Hold your horses, Banzai. No one's getting on a sub."

Horace comes bursting through the front door, "Okay, Lafleur...How well did you bury those bodies?"

"Depends on how hard he looks."

Horace looks at the other guys and says, "Call the Arrow. We're at Condition one. Take the heavy ordinance. And make sure the fence is at maximum."

"Yes, sir"

"Let me talk to him," Sawyer says

"Excuse me?"

"Your buddy out there with the eyeliner, let me talk to him"

"We had a truce. You don't understand..."

"I understand I'm the one that killed one of his men and I'm the one that's gonna go tell him why."

"I can't let you do that"

"It's a good thing I ain't asking your permission."


They end up letting us stay here, I went to school and everyone else got jobs. I live with Sawyer until him and Juliet fell in love and she moved in.

I thought our story ended here.

Turns out I was very wrong.  

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