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changbin hated working. well, it was now hated. but he started to love it once he noticed the new cute boy who worked at the Claire's across from his work.

the boy was blonde, had stripes of pink in his hair which made him stand out. the mysterious boy had been working there for about a week or so. and changbin had the urge to talk to him. yet could he?

nah, he was awkward, seemed like a lost emo and too 'scary'. jisung told him, "you'll scare the boy with the tongue piercing and tattoo you have."

changbin wasn't gonna lie, some days he'd have the biggest resting bitch face. other times, he'd just look like an arrogant asshole.

and the boy? he had the cutest smile, rosy cheeks and the smallest hands. they could fit into anyone's palm which made him scream 'baby boy'.

"you keep staring. you're being creepy. watch him catch you." woojin told, sighing as he folded some t-shirts.

a blush formed on changbin's face. trying to hide it, woojin just chuckled from seeing his flustered.

"have you seen his smile? shit, i think I'm gonna loose all my 'uwus' and I don't even know what that means!" changbin whined, looking over at the boy who was working at the cashier.

"then talk to him. it won't hurt. you might look scary but that doesn't mean you are scary. there's a difference." woojin pointed out, and he was right.

changbin sighed, "yeah, but what would I say to him? 'you're cute and i keep stalking you whenever I work!' yeah, that's romantic?" he sarcastically told.

woojin rolled his eyes, "jisung is in the same grade as him. you could ask him to be your wingman."

changbin furrowed a brow. "jisung? my wingman? he probably doesn't even know what that means."

woojin then shrugged. folding the last shirt that was messed up, he plopped it down. "you can ask him or say bye to little strawberry short cake over there." as he pointed to the boy in the store.

"you did not just call him strawberry shortcake!"

"yes I did, now you better get working before the boss gets mad."

changbin sighing, he looked over to the messed up items on the shelf. taking them down to organize them in a neater way, he then asked woojin, "hey, where's jisung? is he on break or?.."

woojin shook his head, "supposedly he went out to get us drinks. boss's order."

changbin gave out a little 'oh', "I wish it was break.."

"me too..this place barely has any customers and it's so slow.." woojin said. "but on the bright side, we get paid."

"that's the only reason why I'm here. because we get paid." changbin told, giving him a little smile. "okay and it gets a little better since there's that cute guy there.."

"you barely even know him and you're whipped. what if he eats his boogersor is a slob? what would you do."

changbin shuddered by his words. okay, that would be bad if the boy was like that. "then..I don't know!"

"you're hopeless!"

"what about you! don't you have a crush on that guy who works at the nike store!" changbin retorted, "you cant say shit!"

"hey! language, a—and yeah! what if I do? got a problem!"

"yeah! you barely know him too."

woojin rolled his eyes once more, "we have classes together at school and have talked multiple times. his name is chan for your information."

"oh I'm sorry mr. sassy pants, sorry that your man looks like a damn kangaroo with curly hair."

woojin grabbing one of the shirts off the shelf, he threw it at changbin. "shut the hell up! your boyfriend lives in strawberryland with his friends who has names like plum pudding!"



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