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so I bought the
boyz's new album

and my moms gonna
kill me

as woojin looked up at his ceiling, he was tired of scrolling through instagram, twitter. watching everyone's snapchat stories. why?

because all of his friends were posting about their cute relationships. it was annoying, aggravating, of course irritating because he was stuck in stupid love triangle.

why did chan have to be an idiot?

why did that jeongin kid have to be so cute?

but he was pushing away chan, the boy texted him daily and he had no intentions on replying. yet, he missed him a lot. maybe he was being stubborn and petty but he never thought of having a poly relationship. it seemed quite complicated, he wasn't very educated about it either.

would it be worth it?

checking his messages, he had put chan on 'do not disturb' but the numbers kept piling up.

chan ; please answer

chan ; woojin please

chan ; you saw this! please

chan ; I know I'm stupid but
come on..

chan ; woojin it's been forever
since we spoke can you please
just answer one of my calls

chan ; or at least one of my

woojin put down his phone and let out a loud groan. everything was annoying him, this relationship thing was bothering him. why couldn't it be so simple like changbin and felix?

feeling a vibration from his phone, he grabbed his phone out of frustration. yelling, "what now!" as if it was a person.


XXX-XXX-XXXX - am I bothering you?

XXX-XXX-XXXX - do you have a moment

woojin gave a concerned look, replying to the unknown text he furrowed his brow.

woojin ; hi

XXX-XXX-XXXX ; cool!
you answered, it's jeongin

jeongin ; hi hyung

jeongin ; I wanted to say
I'm sorry for the whole
confusing thingy
going on :(

jeongin ; I don't want you
to be mad at channie

jeongin ; so..can you talk
to him?

woojin ; thanks for
your honesty but
I feel as if this
relationship won't
work for us you know?

woojin ; I'm not
mad at him yet just
confused on why he
would do something
like that out of nowhere

jeongin ; well..he was
thinking you'd hate him

jeongin ; but! he does
talk about you a lot,
even before this whole
thing happened

jeongin ; he thinks you have
a really cute laugh and your
smile is nice. your singing
is very relaxing and he
wants to be with you but
I don't know about now..
since you know this is
going on •3•

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