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as felix skipped, changbin just held his hand. "so changbinnie. if you were hyunjin, where would you be?"

"well what is hyunjin like?" changbin asked, "I don't know much about him."

"well! hyunjin is very handsome as you can tell. he likes keeping secrets and is stylish. also, he's just good at everything. which is so unfair!! I bet he's has so many girlfriends before..what if he's visiting his girlfriend??"

changbin caught only half of the words felix spit from his mouth. but he just gave a smile, "uh..I don't know. but are you really sure this is okay?"

"yes! trust me binnie binnie. we'll be fine." felix reassured, "and if we succeed. I'll treat us to some candy."

"seems like a deal then."

"okay, now think like hyunjin. if you were him, where would you go binnie binnie?" felix asked once more. "I mean, he's quite the fashionista. hollister or forever twenty one seems like a place for him."

"well, didn't you say he went to another store?"

felix nodded slowly. "yes..but I don't know which one.."

"jisung said he has his reasons. so maybe he's got some business with someone."

felix's eyes brightened. "you're right!! but I don't know who he'd wanna fight, besides I'm pretty sure hyunjin isn't like that."

"n—no! not fight. like maybe relationship wise. his friends, you know?"

felix's cheeks reddened from embarrassment. "I feel stupid now.."

"you're not stupid." changbin told, "you're perfect."


as changbin realized what he just said. he looked away, "s—sorry! it just slipped.."

felix didn't say anything, he couldn't help but smile and feel his chest tighten. changbin was cute when he got flustered. it was quite a sight.

walking around the mall for a bit more. they stopped by some stores to check if hyunjin was there. but luck wasn't on their side today. felix's determination was strong, all he wanted was to know what was going on with his friend. and he wasn't gonna give up until he found out.  but they both were getting tired from walking around. they decided to rest and sit on a bench in front of the adidas store.

"binnie!! what if he's not here anymore.." felix grumbled. crossing his arms, he stuck his tongue into the side of his cheek. "does hyunjin hate me?"

changbin laughed, "i'm sure he doesn't. maybe he has something that he wants to hide. he's probably looking for the right time to tell you."

felix frowned, "you really think so? I don't know.."

changbin squeezed his hand tightly, expressing his reassurance. "yes, I promise."

"okay..I believe you binnie."

"good, now let's stop looking and get some candy like you said. okay?"


getting up from the bench, changbin winked at the boy in the store. mouthing, 'you're welcome.' walking away, changbin and felix went off to get some sweets.

changbin couldn't help but smile. in the middle of their conversation he spotted hyunjin in the store. felix too distracted by his mission, he didn't even notice. but now he understood why hyunjin was so secretive.

he was talking to someone at the register. he couldn't make out who it was until hyunjin moved a bit to showcase the boy.

ah. so that's why. is all he could think.

kim seungmin, sixteen year old boy. brother of kim woojin. hyunjin seemed quite hooked onto him, changbin assumed they were just friends. until seungmin placed a kiss on hyunjin's cheek.

oh. oh I see.

changbin couldn't help but stare at the two in awe. the way seungmin stared at hyunjin made it seem as if they were in their own little world. until seungmin pointed at changbin. the boy slightly panicking, he tried to keep his attention on felix.

when hyunjin spotted them, he just froze. he mouthed to the boy, 'please leave..' and so they did.

changbin tried to put the pieces together onto why hyunjin was hiding their relationship. he couldn't lie, he was quite surprised. he didn't know hyunjin was interested in guys or was dating seungmin. so it was all new to him.

but people had their reasons, so he had to respect that.

changbin's train of thought being cut off, he watched as felix put his candy into a cute little bag. "changbinnie. what flavor sour strings do you want?"

"blue raspberry is fine."


what a cutie.

back w/ seungmin & hyunjin

"who was that jinnie?" as they watched the two boys leave. "are they a threat. the ravenette kept looking at us."

hyunjin shook his head, "they're not a threat. felix is too sweet to do any harm. changbin is just changbin."

"so..they won't—"

"no of course not. we're fine."

"good." seungmin gave a sigh of relief. "you know I'm not ready.."

hyunjin grabbed a hold of seungmin's hand. "I know..only a few people know but we'll be fine. don't worry."

seungmin let go of his hand. giving a light smile, he shrugged. "I need to get back to work. break time is over so you should go."

"o—okay..I love you."

"I love you too."

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