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after work, changbin said his goodbyes to his boss and jisung. exiting the store, there stood felix waiting for him. "hey changbinnie. are you ready?"

changbin nodded, "yeah. where do you want to go?"

felix shrugged, "anywhere you want to. I'm fine with anything."

"okay then, how about we get some food." changbin suggested, "i haven't ate since this morning."

"can we get pretzels!" felix excitedly asked, "o—only if you want..I really like the ones with cinnamon on them."

changbin just smiled, "sure. seems good to me."

walking to a nearby pretzel stand. changbin insisted and paid for felix's food. the younger feeling bad, he pouted as he watched him pay. but changbin rubbed his head, "it's alright. don't pout, it might be cute but I don't want you to."

"thanks changbinnie.."

"anytime. but if this sounds annoying sorry, where do you wanna go now?" changbin asked with a light chuckle. "I just like having a certain place to go."

"hm..well we can go visit chan!" felix insisted. "do you know chan? he's a senior."

"I know him by name but not personally. woojin talks to him a lot." changbin told, making felix make an 'ah' expression.

"well then I'll be sure to introduce you two."

not knowing what to say, changbin just politely smiled. walking for a couple minutes, felix dragged changbin into the nike store. packed as always, it gave changbin a headache when seeing so many people.

"just hold on, stay here." felix then left changbin to hold their stuff. he wandered around the store trying to find chan. but changbin awkwardly stood their, hoping that no workers would come and talk to him.

"hey do you need any help finding anything today?" a boy questioned, he had a lanyard around his neck and a cheesy smile.

changbin looked around, pointing to himself the boy just chuckled. "yes you."

"oh, sorry. my friend I looking for a worker here. he just went off and left me here." changbin explained.

"I can probably help. what's his's or her's name?"

"chan. I don't know their last name though."

the boy then showed changbin his lanyard. in all caps it printed. CHAN.

"let me guess, you're here with hyunjin or felix. but hyunjin is probably somewhere else so I'm guessing felix."

changbin nodded, "yeah I am."

"why?" he sternly then asked. making changbin gulp, his tone and expression changed so suddenly. it was kind of scary.

"w—well..I—I am—"

"just kidding! haha, you should've seen the look on your face. I'm one of felix's friends, I only know him because of his brother. but he's clingy and stuff, so he always comes to visit." chan told with a sigh. "you do know felix has a brother right?"

"yeah I know. lee minho right."

chan raised his brows, "yep. that's the one." as he popped the 'p'. "he's an interesting one."

"is it weird that I've actually—"

"changbinnie!! chan!! you meanies, you guys were here the whole time and I was trying to look for you." felix once whined again. but changbin thought it was cute, while chan wanted to slap the shit out of him.

"I'm working, I'll be all over the store." chan tiredly said. "I didn't even catch your name. what was is?"

"changbin. seo changbin."

"but I call him changbinnie." felix popped in. "we just wanted to stop by and say I! but it seems like you two got to do that without me!"

"why don't you find minho or hyunjin? they're more interesting than me." chan offered.

the strawberry blonde shook his head vigorously. "hyunjin is so secretive. he never wants me going anywhere with him, like I'm not gonna bite his friends or something!" he then sighed, "and minho is...is just minho! I don't wanna visit him because I'll see him at home anyways!!"

chan rolled his eyes, "fine. but I got to get back to work. nice meeting you changbin, catch you later felix."

the two waved and chan walked back to help some customers. leaving the store, felix put a finger to his lip. "hm.. should we try and find hyunjin?"

"isn't that invading privacy though?"

felix giggled, "we can say we bumped into him. the mall is huge, we can go anywhere and it'll just be a coincidence."

changbin bit his lip, "I don't know. what if your friend gets mad at you."

"don't worry silly! hyunjin is very chill. I think..." as felix's voice got soft, "but friends don't keep secrets so onwards changbinnie!!"

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