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I saw this one
comment and it
was like

uwu hours: [activated]

and that's a fat ass

"hey woojin." chan greeted, pinching one of his cheeks, "you look cute as always."

"stop." woojin blushed, "you should take a look at yourself."

as changbin, felix, jisung and hyunjin watched from afar. felix rubbed his eyes by the sight while jisung blinked a couple times.

"you seeing this?" hyunjin whispered to the three, "what's going on?"

jisung leaned in closer to hyunjin, "I don't know..it's kind of scaring me.."

watching chan and woojin act all lovey dovey. felix had the biggest urge to cut off their conversation. but changbin held him back at all cost.

"changbinnie please let me just—"

changbin didn't listen, he went behind felix and gave him a big bear hug. resting his chin on the top of felix's head. he sighed. "just relax. we're all confused, let's ask woojin later."

felix covering his face with his baby hands. he squealed, "changbinnie! you're so cute, back hugs are adorable."

"t—thanks lix.."

"look love birds. I don't know if this is 'adult' stuff but they're acting quite weird." jisung said, "and if this jeongin kid is with chan as well does that mean—"

"chan is a fuckboy!" felix told, pounding his fist into his other hand.

"n—no lix. I think you mean playboy."

"oh, well what's the difference?" felix asked, looking up at changbin.

"you don't wanna know." hyunjin sighed, shaking his head.

woojin taking off his work lanyard, he walked to the back to grab his stuff. his shift ending, he was going to hang out with chan for a while. after getting his stuff, he went to the four boys to inform them about their plans.

"hyung! you haven't hung out with us in a while." hyunjin pointed out. trying to persuade him not to go. "why don't we all hang out?" as he then forced a little smile.

"well..chan and I just wanna be alone. so how about another time?"

"but why!" felix groaned, "come on channie. you haven't talked to us in ages."

chan shrugged, "I'll hang out with you guys another time. besides, i don't think all of you guys can hang out."

"why do you say that?" changbin questioned.

chan pointed to the entrance of the store. there stood minho, one hand in his pocket while he waved with the other. "hey sweetheart."

jisung growled seeing the boy, "hey..b—babe."

"I heard you guys started dating. congrats." chan chuckled, patting jisung's back. "remember to cover up the hickeys."

"I was already informed!"

"sweetheart, come on I got dinner reservations at a new restaurant. you coming or what?"

jisung faked a grin at his boyfriend, "coming!", turning his head to the other boys. he heavily sighed, "sorry guys. boyfriend calls, maybe another time?"

jisung quickly leaving, the other three didn't know what to do. they needed woojin to stay with them but they had no plan.

so hyunjin decided to break the ice.

"woojin hyung. can we talk to you for a little. well, can I? also felix come with me."

woojin nodded, "sure of course."

walking out of the store, hyunjin, felix and woojin faced each other awkwardly. "hyung..I don't know how to say this but.."

"but what?"

"I think chan is playing you." hyunjin bluntly told.

"what?" woojin asked with a little laugh. "you're joking right? chan isn't like that."

hyunjin shook his head, elbowing felix. the strawberry haired boy showed the picture of jeongin and chan. "sorry woojinnie hyung.."

woojin's smiled disintegrated into a frown,

"we didn't want you to get hurt so we decided to tell you ourselves..his name is jeongin and he's a freshman but—"

"it's alright guys." woojin finally said. "it's alright.."

"no it's not! we can go for ice cream and—"

woojin didn't say anything, instead he shoved past the two boys and left without a word. hyunjin biting his lip, he held felix's hand to stop him from chasing after him.

"let him be lix. I'll tell chan that he had something come up."

"do you think he'll be alright?"

"of course. I'll ask—" hyunjin then cleanred his throat, "I'll ask someone he's close to if he's holding up well."

"hyunjinnie do you think it was a bad choice to tell hyung?"

hyunjin shook his head, "he's got to find out sooner or later. one day chan will probably see them both and they'll just break each other's hearts on accident."

"you're right.." felix whispered, "okay..well let's get back inside before something happens. I bet binnie binnie is trying to restrain himself from saying something stupid.."

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