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jisung pushed him away, trying to hide his blush he couldn't lie. minho was really hot, but he was a fuckboy. he couldn't be with a person who just hops to one person to another. 

"sorry pretty boy, but we will be nothing." jisung bluntly told.

"and what will you tell my brother? this didn't work out, his little set up meeting was a fail. little things can make the boy burst into tears. I don't think you'd want that."

"felix will just go running into changbin's arms. cry onto his shoulders, say 'changbinnie I'm so blah blah blah' and changbin will just be his dorky self and say something cute to felix. then he'll be alright."

minho secretly whipped out his phone and put it on video recording. "so you're telling me this changbin has a crush on felix?"

jisung crossed his arms, "well yeah. isn't it obvious? they're both crushing so badly. I mean those two would suck each other's faces if you told them to."

then he stopped it. smiling, he showed the recording. "do you know what this is?"

"a recording why?"

minho played it, whistling as he minded his own business.

"so you're telling me this changbin has a crush on felix?"

"well yeah. isn't it obvious? they're both crushing so badly. I mean those two would suck each other's faces if you told them to."

jisung's eyes widened, "you did not just—"

"look sweetie. if you don't listen to me I'll show this to my brother. who knows, it'll either help their relationship or ruin it."

"you're evil!"

"should've been nicer to me then. cut the baddie attitude and give me some love and affection."

"and if I don't?" jisung questioned, bitting his lip nervously.

"guess the recording is going on the internet first, then to felix. you wouldn't want that right?"

"of course not! god, I'll do whatever you want. not whatever I mean just—"

"be my boyfriend."

"excuse me?" jisung said with disgust. "be your boyfriend? first of all, I know I'm gonna get myself heartbroken. and I'm not stable for any of that."

minho took a hold of jisung's hands, intertwining them. he smirked, "look baby. it's just for experience, I've never met someone like you."

"I don't want any part in your games. blackmail me all you want but I'm not—"

minho sighed, "hmm..guess I should just post it now then. can you tell me changbin's instagram? so I can tag him, maybe I should do snapchat as well. how about—"

"for gods sake okay! fine! I'll be your 'boyfriend'." as he rolled his eyes. "just stop!"

minho turned off his phone, pleased by his words. "you're so cute. you know why I'm interested in your right?"

"no and I don't wanna know."

"well, you're not fawning over me. drooling over me, trying to impress me with lies. you're just you. I like that."

jisung feeling his heart flutter, his stomach started to churn. "s—stop..I'm not gonna lie, that's really cute."

"haha. well, I got to get going okay baby?"

"don't call me that!"

minho pouted, pointing to his cheek. he titled his head, "can I have a kiss?"

jisung glared at the boy, leaning in he was about to kiss his cheek until minho whipped his head. instead of kissing his cheek, jisung had kissed minho's lips instead. pulling away, he covered his mouth from shock. "d—dude!"

"hey, boyfriends don't call each other 'dude'. call me babe or something, it's cuter." minho winked at the boy, waving to him. "gotta run cutie, maybe I can take you out some time."

jisung unable to say his goodbye, he watched the older boy leave. banging his head onto the counter. he cursed loudly,


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