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"guys I think we messed up! we're such bad friends!" felix pouted, banging his head onto the table.

changbin rubbing his back he sighed, "woojin will get over him. he deserves better anyways. who knows, chan could've cheated on him with this jeongin kid."

hyunjin took another bite of his cinnamon bun, talking with his mouth full he nodded. twirling his fork around, "you're right. I don't know about those two anymore."

"so we're just gonna let this go?" as felix asked with teary eyes, "that's not the spirit guys!"

"well, I never had spirit in the first place." jisung groaned, "I can't believe you guys did that without me!"

"what! you had a date with my brother!" felix pointed out, crossing his arms. "besides..how was the restaurant?"

"pretty good actually. it was all free so meh." jisung chuckled, adjusting his sweater awkwardly.

hyunjin who sat next to him raised an eyebrow. "what's with the squirming and slow movement huh?"


hyunjin tugged on jisung's collar, the boy trying to push his hands away. he failed terribly.

changbin covered felix's eyes, "hey binnie! why'd it get dark all of a sudden."

"uh. just don't worry about it." changbin shortly told.

"that's a lot jisung.." as hyunjin examined the purple marks.

jisung slapping his hand away he covered them up. "I know..just be quiet."

changbin gave out a little 'pft, "you didn't even try to cover them up!"

"because I don't have makeup or any of that girly shit! I'd rather sweat to death instead of people seeing it!"

"did he bite you? I saw one that looked kinda odd."

"just shut up! shut up!" jisung yelled, putting his hood on he tightened his sweater strings. "back to the woojin situation, he didn't come into work today."

changbin uncovered felix's eyes. the strawberry blonde smiled, "binnie! the lights are back on."

"yep I know, but he called in sick. he's probably comforting himself with tubs of ice cream and watching one piece."

"woojin and his god damn one piece." hyunjin sighed, shaking his head.

felix titled his head in confusion, "what's wrong with his one piece? what's a one piece?"

"it's an anime felix, get with the program!" jisung told with frustration. "why can't they figure this out themselves. they're old! well, jeongin is legit like two."

"I'm like what?" a voice questioned, hyunjin choked on a piece of his cinnamon bun. a hand immediately slapped his back to get the piece out.

"jinnie are you alright!" seungmin checked on the boy once he stopped coughing. hyunjin wiped the saliva from his cheek and nodded.

"good as new." he joked, putting a thumbs up.

"who's this?" felix questioned, "I mean I know you—" as he pointed to jeongin, "but who are you?" his finger then moved towards seungmin.

"I'm seungmin! a..friend of hyunjin.."

"what are you talking about? you two are—" seungmin immediately slapped jeongin's mouth shut. jeongin licking the older's hand, seungmin pulled away from disgust.


"you're what?" felix hated secrets, so of course he needed to know. "hyunjin! tell me!"

"we're..best friends! not just friends."

felix raised a brow suspicious, "are you sure? you two seem to be very close. look you're sweating! and you never sweat!"

"I do sweat!" hyunjin retorts, "but yeah we are close.."

jeongin decided to cut off the awkwardness between the five. "anyways, I heard you guys talking about me! did I do something wrong?"

jisung's eyes widened, "oh no. we all met you somehow and we thought you're really cute. n—not in a crush way! but you have a baby face."

jisung blushed, covering his cheeks he smiled. "thanks! I know I do..maybe it's the braces? do you think it's the braces?"

changbin nodded, "yeah. totally the braces."

jeongin sighed, "man..well it's okay. channie says he likes them on me. so it doesn't really matter. come on minnie, let's go kill some more time."

"kill some time for what?" changbin asked.

"well channie is having some trouble with a friend supposedly. we all were suppose to meet up at the mall at this hour but this friend won't reply to channie's text. so channie went to go get him."

seungmin nodded, "I'm walking around with jeongin for a bit, we're going to the plushie store since jeongin saw this toast thingy he wanted."

jeongin put his fist into the air, "I must get it! so we have to get going. bye guys! maybe we'll see you around!"

seungmin was about to lean down to kiss hyunjin's forehead. but restrained himself. giving hyunjin an awkward 'bro' hug, he left. "bye jinnie, bye guys!"

once the two were gone, changbin sighed harshly to himself. "damn, wonder who chan is getting now."

jisung starts writing in the air with his finger, talking to himself. a light bulb goes off in his head, "guys..what was chan doing again?"

"going to a friends house cause the friend won't answer his texts and—oh my god!" as changbin realized what was going on.

"are you saying?"

jisung nodded his head. whipping his head towards felix, he took a deep breath in. "hey felix, has chan ever you know. talked about a polyamorous relationship before?"

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