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jisung and woojin stared at changbin oddly as he worked at the cashier. changbin covering his face with a mask and hat, he needed to hide his embarrassment from his friends and the customers.


felix brought him a shirt before his shift started. not just any shirt. it was a plain pink tee shirt with a strawberry milk cartoon patch on the right side with sleeves cuffed.

hyunjin and felix who came to the store during their break. all changbin could hear was, 'hyunjin look how cute binnie binnie looks in pink!' or, 'I definitely need him as my lock screen. this look is everything!'

jisung who went behind the counter to work another register. he whispered to changbin, "what the fuck are you wearing."

changbin rolled his eyes, pulling down his mask for his words to not be muffled. his eyes trailed over to felix. "lix made me wear it. I know, attire should probably be more dark and bland but he was begging. you know I can't say no to him."

"I mean, you don't look bad. it's just..weird seeing you in color. it's like a black and white movie morphed into modern day color screens." jisung chuckled, patting the boy's back.

"please don't do that while I'm working. but chill, it's just a shirt."

jisung took a glance at felix who admired changbin without a care. shaking his head, he smiled at the whipped boy. "he's so into you, god you two should just date."

"I'm not gonna say he's into me or not into me. but our relationship is getting quite stronger." changbin explained , he didn't want to rush things with felix. "I like taking things slow."

"changbin, he clings onto you twenty-four seven and calls you 'binnie binnie'. it might be two things but the way he acts is literally the definition of 'whipped'."

"you're right but I don't know felix to where I know what he wants. I want to be able to put myself in his shoes, see what he wants. learn more about him and respect him. unlike your boyfriend." changbin teased, he received a light punch from jisung.

"minho is different.."

"how so? what, no hickeys this time."

jisung groaned, "not that! but surprisingly, he hasn't been giving them to me anymore. he's..changing and it's..odd...it's scaring me honestly."

"maybe he's changing for you." changbin pointed out, "do you guys have another date today?"

jisung shook his head, "he's getting busy. senior stuff and all that, also he's in dance so he'll be choreographing pieces."

"wow, what a talented guy you have."

jisung chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully. "yeah, you can say he's quite the charmer." he said sarcastically, making changbin laugh.

"people can change jisung. his fuckboy title can die out and you'll be alright."

"you are right. but, I'm not ready to showcase my true feelings to him. I can't trust him right away with my heart. you know?"

changbin nodded, "understandable. but would you give your full heart to him?"

jisung shook his head, "no, it might be blunt but I'm not the type of person to immediately shower someone in love. if I were, watch me get attached and love him to the point to where I can't let go. what happens when he leaves? I can't bear with that."

"that...really sucks. I didn't know you felt that way jisung."

the younger shrugged, "it's alright. love is just so complicated to me, I'm not an expert but yet again nobody is. so I shouldn't feel alone, yet I do."

"you're not alone, I promise jisung."


after changbin's shift, he waited outside of claire's for felix to finish his. minutes later, he felt random weight drop onto him. it was felix, the boy had jumped onto his back without any warning. which made them both fall of course.

"binnie! you're suppose to catch me, gosh you're so bad at this!"

changbin rubbed his head, "sorry lix..should've gave me a warning. are you alright?"

felix gave a thumbs up, "I'm totally fine! no scratches or bruises, are you okay binnie binnie?"

"yeah I am. but can I take off the shirt now?"

felix raised a brow, crossing his arms he gave a weird stare towards him. "excuse me? you want to take off your shirt in front of everyone!"

"n—no! not like that, I mean can I change..I feel so abnormal with the pink.." changbin restated, "besides, why would I ever take off my shirt in public?"

"I don't know! cause you can be a weirdo."

both of them getting up from the floor. they stood in awkward silence, "so..lix can I take off the shirt?"

"no!" felix whined loudly. "you can't, you look so good in it!!" whipping out his phone, he took multiple pictures of changbin, "binnie, say cheese!"

changbin smiled, which was quite rare. but since felix asked him to, why should he say no? the boy was so precious to him he wanted to give him everything to make him happy.

"binnie binnie, you're gonna be my new lock screen okay?"

changbin raised his eyebrows, he was serious?  "well, if that's the case—" changbin took out his phone as well, "can you be mine?"

felix's eyes sparkled, nodding vigorously. "of course I can binnie binnie! it's like we're a couple with our matching lock screens!"

changbin could feel his cheeks burning, being with felix made him feel so wanted. and he loved the feeling, he didn't want anyone to have him.

god I want you so bad. is all he could think.

but he gave felix the biggest smile ever, angling the camera towards felix.

"okay princess, say cheese!"

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