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"you guys are on crack shit, I'm not even like that!" hyunjin said in disgust, watching as felix cuddled against changbin, "I mean, I'm like that but not in public of course!"

"shut up, we all know you love seungmin with your full heart."

hyunjin nodded, "you right, there's no lie in that."

"so let me be!" as felix whined, his head rested on changbin's laps. "you're just jealous because seungmin is at work."

felix wasn't wrong, they were sitting at a bench in front of claires eating pretzels. changbin, felix and hyunjin had break together. so it was their only time they could hang out until their shifts ended.

hyunjin pouted, "I'm bored! where's jisung, at least he can give me some company!"

changbin eyes lit up, "oh, did I tell you guys that jisung got fired."

"he what!" as felix sat up immediately, "how?"

"well a couple days ago when he was working his shift. minho was there and there was this girl who wouldn't leave him alone, so jisung..he was just jisung you know. leave it to your imagination."

"he killed her." hyunjin whispered, changbin choked on his pretzel as he heard his words.

"no!" he quickly denied, "he didn't do that, but I bet he would."

felix sighed, "well, r.i.p hot topic jisung. you will be missed."

changbin shrugged, "heard he's getting a job at adidas since seungmin is there. so he'll have some company."

"should I get myself fired so I can work with seungmin?" hyunjin suggested, but felix laughed by his words.

"our boss wouldn't let you go. I remember you broke one of the shelves and she said it was totally fine as long as your beautiful self didn't get harmed."

hyunjin snapped his fingers, "damn, it sucks being pretty."

"narcissist." changbin whispered.

"you know—" hyunjin's phone began to ring, taking it out of his pocket he looked at the caller ID. "it's minnie! bye whores."

hyunjin walking off to find a quiet area to talk to seungmin, it was changbin and felix left. "so—" changbin started off, "how's your day been?"

"quite nice. since I'm with you know." felix told with a smile. "is that cheesy?"

changbin shook his head, taking a hold of felix's hand. "nope, I like it. I like this side of you, also the cute and innocent one as well. scratch that, I love all of you."

felix looked down into his lap and smiled, "you're such a dork."

"I am yours."

"I know, I love it." felix leaned over to give a little kiss on changbin's cheek. but moved his head a bit to where his lips were near changbin's ear. "hey.." he whispered, "I love you.."

changbin couldn't help but feel himself get red, it was rare for him to blush but when it came to felix he was so vulnerable. clutching onto his shirt, he exhaled a deep breath. "that was adorable."

"are you not gonna say it?"

changbin nodded, "oh I'll say it. but I won't whisper it."

changbin stood up on the bench, felix's eyes widened as he knew what changbin was going to do. the boy cupping his hands around his mouth, he took in a deep breath. "I LOVE LEE FELIX WITH ALL MY HEART!"

felix giggling as a couple faces turned to look at the scene. changbin sat down without a care, smothering the boy in kisses.

"hey." changbin got felix's attention, playing with the boy's hair. "you know I really do love you right? all jokes aside."

felix nodded, "yes I know.."

"good, because nobody is getting in our way. I'll promise you that."

felix lightly punched changbin, "sorry..this is just too much for me. it actually hurts."

"guess you can say, your 'uwus' have been stolen."

felix blankly stares at changbin. releasing a disappointed sigh, he shook his head. "don't ever say that again, please oh my god."

"lee felix stole all my uwus."



okay guys serious
question, I got four
books that I'm ready to
like 'YUHHh let's get
writing and shit' but I
don't know which one
I want to post because
if I don't ask my dumbass
will post all of them so

wanna help a girlie out and
choose one :,)

hyunjin + seungmin + jeongin;
l.o.u - in which seungmin doesn't
love one boy, but two

chan + jeongin;
imaginary - jeongin writes in his
free time. wanting a cliché boy from
the books. he encounters one who is just
like a character from one of his stories

minho x jisung;
pernicious - would you kill for me?

dorm series;
dorm ____ - "oH mY GOd, tHEY WErE RoOmatEs."

• because sadly , I bet the next chapter or the chapter after that will be the last of this book :(

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