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wow what the pineapples
this already got to 2k reads?
whata thank you guys omg
:( ♡

"so..you saw... them?" jisung asked slowly, changbin just nodded in response.

"yeah, is that a bad thing?" the older bit his lip, he had no intentions on ruining their relationship, all he did was follow felix and spotted them out of coincidence.

"well no. just don't say anything. between you and me, hyunjin's mom is against the whole gay thing from what I heard. that's why he's trying to keep their relationship a secret."

"and seungmin is all for it?"

"of course he is. and the boy is shy, he isn't ready to reveal their relationship. maybe once their stable and one hundred percent sure." jisung explained thoroughly. "you can't say a word, not even to felix."

"alright, alright I get it." changbin sighed as he got lectured by the younger. "I promise I won't say anything."

"good. or else woojin will strangle me and I'll never get to see broad daylight again!" jisung exaggerates, putting the back of his hand on his forehead. "no but seriously. please don't say a word."

"don't say a word of what?" woojin questioned, popping up beside them with boxes in his hands.

"n—nothing!!" jisung lied awkwardly. "y—you see.."

putting the boxes down, he rolled his eyes. "you're the worst liar, spill the tea." woojin didn't stutter with his words. he raised one brow and put a hand on his hip in a sassy way. "spill."

changbin just shrugged, not knowing how to help he looked outside the stores door's. "I—I have a crush!" as he covered his face, jisung knowing he flushed from embarrassment tried to make it more realistic.

"really?" woojin seemed quite surprised. jisung having a crush? how new. "who is it, is she or he outside the store right now?"

"y—yep!" jisung nodded, "shush..you can't say anything okay!"

"well I won't say anything unless you point who it is." the older teased, making jisung panic.

jisung glancing at changbin. then to woojin, he gave a fake laugh. "you see.."

"you don't have a crush, so you're—"

"he's right there!" changbin impulsively shouted, pointing to a boy who talked on the phone outside. "that's him..right jisung."

"y—yeah..that's him!"

woojin squinted, he couldn't really make out the face but he did seem quite familiar. "huh.."

while woojin was distracted, jisung tapped changbin. whispering softly, "do you even know who the hell you pointed to?"

"no..I can't tell.." changbin shortly replied. "let's just hope he—"

"oh! what the hell? you have a crush on felix's brother?"

jisung feeling his heart drop, his eyes widened, "l—lee m—minho you mean?"

"yeah? that's him, I can tell by the tattoo on the side of his neck. it's pretty sick honestly."

jisung had to clutch onto his shirt, breathing heavily he couldn't believe what he just heard. "n—neck tattoo?"

woojin nodded, "yeah, it's him. it's like changbin's a simple rose, he supposedly covers them up with makeup whenever he goes to school, did you know he rides a motorcycle?"

"I think I'm gonna pass out." jisung's breath was short and he everything was fuzzy. "h—how..why!! that's too much, so he isn't just a pretty face.. I'm not okay!!"

"I can't believe you have a crush on him. out of all people, I thought it would be like..actually I don't know that many people so never mind." as woojin cracked a little smile. patting jisung's back, he ruffled the younger's hair. "but like who you wanna like, I heard he's quite the charmer."

jisung gulped the lump in his throat, looking at changbin with shaking eyes. all he could mouth was,

'uh oh.'

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