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CAT: found deadbrb gonna go dig my grave

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CAT: found dead
brb gonna go
dig my grave

"y—you're!" felix started out, covering his mouth from shock.

"I'm his boyfriend..hehe.." seungmin said awkwardly, "if you feel uncomfortable I can totally leave. I understand and—"

"is that why no girls flock over you! or why nobody asks for your number! how did you get a boyfriend but binnie won't ask me out?! tell me your ways please!" felix pleaded, sighing right after.

seungmin blinked at him oddly, while hyunjin let out a cute snort. "you're really hooked onto him aren't you?" hyunjin questioned, felix nodded as a response.

"yeah..it's my brother and now you..I mean! there is nothing wrong with it, but I just feel somewhat jealous.."

seungmin shrugs, "well, have you ever tried asking him about his relationships. if he's had any past ones of course."

felix shakes his head as a no, "I'm too afraid to ask. isn't that too personal?"

"not at all." hyunjin answers, "you should know. besides out of all the people I know, you seem the closest to changbin."

felix eyes widen, but resize back to normal, "you sure? you think there is nobody else he's seeing.."

"pft. ask jisung, I bet you'll get all the answers you need."

felix bit his lip, looking at the couple he felt somewhat relieved from theirs words. his eyes trailing to how hyunjin looked at seungmin made his chest tighten. he hoped, no. he wanted changbin and him to be like that.

he wanted it, badly.

"okay..I'll ask jisung then."


"see you later guys!" jisung waved to the two other boys in the store as he stepped out. adjusting his backpack, he pulled out his phone to text minho. it was the regular schedule, minho would pick him up after work, go out and he'd drop him off home.

which he quite liked.

until, minho's younger brother stopped him aka lee felix. they both stood outside the mall awkwardly.

"hey felix, you need something? you're kinda in my way." jisung told, but felix stayed quiet.

"w—well..uh..it's kinda about changbin." felix quietly answered.

"oh, changbin? what about him. need help with a date, wanna know if the rose tattoo is real? cause it is. if you kiss him you'll feel his tongue piercing. not because I have! but he has one."

felix got flustered by the thought of kissing changbjn. waving his hands in the air to stop jisung from talking, he took a deep breath in and exhaled. "n—not about those things, but thanks for the info I guess. but..does he like anyone at the moment? or has he dated anyone in the past."

jisung didn't want to question what his reason was for wanting to know. but he answered without any thought. "no, changbin actually has never been in a relationship. but he is definitely into someone, he's quite head over heels for them which is interesting."

felix felt his heart sink, "o—oh..do you know who this person is?"

jisung nodded, "yup. I could tell you right now. but where is the fun in that?"

"why! please jisung!! I'll do anything!"

jisung raised a brow, crossing his arms he gave a mischievous look. "anything?"

felix nodded, "yes! anything, just tell me!"

jisung scanning his surrounding. he leaned close to the boy's ear, jisung whispering. "If I tell you. get your brother to break up with me."

felix's eyes widened from shock, "what?"

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