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ngl this is one of
my favorite

the next day, jisung tried to keep his act on whenever woojin talked about minho. he got shy whenever his name got brought up, or when woojin would show photos from his instagram.

he couldn't lie, minho was quite attractive. but he didn't seem like his type.

"I—I think this is enough boy talk hyung.." jisung finally said, "it's gonna get to my head and make me overthink things..what if he has a girlfriend or something." as he tried to make him stop.

"I doubt it. he's practically with a new guy every week, sorry man. he's a fuckboy."

changbin snorted from the other side of the store, "how sad. your lover boy is a fuckboy."

"at least mine isn't a dumb blonde."

"for your information, he's a dumb strawberry blonde."

jisung rolled his eyes, "whatever. I'll probably get over my crush in a couple days..maybe even sooner or later."

"why don't you ask felix to set you guys up?" woojin asked with curiosity. "I bet felix wouldn't mind."

"uh..felix isn't the matchmaker type I feel." changbin quickly chirped in. "maybe jisung should just—"

"just ask him! he's coming over to the store again with hyunjin in a bit I heard, it won't take that long."

jisung just faked a smile, "c—cool.."

"don't worry, it won't be bad" woojin reassured.

jisung nodded by his words, "alright then.."

he only faked the crush impulsively for changbin not to get in trouble. he was being a great friend yet it just brought him into trouble himself. what if felix took him seriously? what if they actually had to go on a date. he didn't want to cause any commotion for minho.

besides, lee minho was a senior. and jisung was just an awkward sophomore, why would minho take any interest in him?

jisung was pretty much nothing compared to minho.


"you like minho! my brother, you've got to be kidding. he just broke up with this freshman a couple days ago, I swear he's no good!" felix explained, pouting his fist on the counter.

jisung put his hands up in defense. "woah mr. shortcake, I'll probably get over my crush in a couple days..don't worry about me.."

"no! I'll help you. but I'm warning you, whenever people come over to our place. they always leave with these red marks on their necks. or minho's hair is always messy. sometimes I feel like he's gonna kill them."

changbin covered his mouth, trying to keep his laughs from escaping. "y—your kidding! haha!"

"felix..do you know what hickeys are?" jisung questioned awkwardly.

felix titled his head with curiosity, "no, what's that?"

"ask changbin, he can teach you physically." woojin teased, but the boy took it a bit seriously.

"sure! binnie binnie, can you?"

"god no! I'm gonna get myself killed!"

"so these hickeys are dangerous." as felix crossed his arms. shaking his head, he clicked his tongue. "man, I should tell hyung to stop
before he commits a murder."

changbin laughing, he couldn't take in how innocent and cute felix was. all he wanted to do was smother him in kisses, tell him how beautiful he was every single day.

"but why don't I call hyung right now, he's at the mall so it won't be a problem."

jisung shook his head, "no! please felix don't—"

but too late, felix whipped out his phone and immediately contacted minho. minho picking up in a jiffy, felix winked at jisung. "hey hyung! wanna come to the hot topic near my work. there's someone who wants to meet you and— yes..I did say hot topic, I know I said I didn't like the store cause it's scary but I have friends..— okay whatever, just meet me here you dumb butt!"

felix ending the call, he pouted. "your future boyfriend is so mean to me. good luck, don't fall too hard for him okay?"

jisung gulped, nodding slowly he gave an unpleased smile. "alright.."

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