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damn ever have a burst
of confidence and
think you're just so
hot, beautiful in every
way and like WOW JUST

cause that's me rn

edit: 2 days later, I hate
myself cat lmao stfu

"hey, don't cry." minho runs his fingers through jisung's hair. talking to him sweetly. "to be honest, you're the first person that made this feel so real."

"w—what do you mean.." as jisung wipes away his tears. looking at him with his puffy eyes.

minho lifted up jisung's chin and kissed him passionately. jisung kisses back without any thought, letting his hands wrap around minho's neck. letting go, minho spoke. "this, just this. you know, this 'relationship' has been the most genuine one I've had. you don't sugarcoat your feelings, you're so blunt and serious. but yet again, you right now. showing me this side to you makes me feel special."

jisung smiled like an idiot, "why are you so cheesy. I thought you're suppose to be a fuckboy."

minho shrugged and took out his phone. going into his camera roll, he searched for a specific video. deleting it, he made sure jisung was watching. "see this?—" minho then gave him a sweet peck on the forehead, "it's all gone and done. I want you as my real boyfriend. not for experimenting or any of that bullshit. I want you."

jisung hugged minho tightly, "you know. this relationship was based off of blackmail and a stupid thing I did..but I'm kind of grateful for you.."

"han jisung? grateful for me?" minho teases, putting a finger to his ear he raises his eyebrows. "can I hear that one more time?"

"don't push it."

"I'll do anything I want baby boy."

jisung lightly punched the boy, sighing. he looked up and rubbed his forearm. "to be honest, I've never been in love. or felt it, I've been to scared to open myself up to someone. c—cause I'm afraid of them leaving. so—"

"hey." minho softly spoke, "I'll always stay."

"do you mean that? I..I don't want to get myself hurt because of this relationship."

"I mean it with my full heart."

the younger smiled, nodding his head he gave a big bear hug to minho. "good, I wasn't planning on loosing you."

minho chuckled, "god, look at this character development. it started with, 'I wouldn't shed a tear if you turned your back on me' to where 'I wasn't planning on loosing you'."

jisung giggled with the boy, "right? how cliché."

minho gave jisung another kiss, which somewhat shocked the boy. "guess we should make up for all those dates, those cuddles and movie nights. to the love bites and kisses. cause I'll be spoiling you a lot. get use to it."

"I'll be ready." as jisung intertwined their hands. "I can't wait, I'm glad felix told me all that..he can be quite smart sometimes."

minho nodded, "I can agree to disagree. felix isn't dumb."

jisung laughed, but minho didn't laugh with him. "your brother? he doesn't know what hickeys are and thinks polyamorous relationships are connected with polly pockets!"

minho awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "are you sure we're talking about the same person?"

jisung's giddy mood morphed into a serious one. "what are you talking about? your strawberry blonde brother is highkey..not the brightest."

"felix definitely knows what hickeys are. he has asked me if he should be in a polyamorous relationship before he knew you guys. his bubbly and carefree personality is the definition of fake. could you not see it?" minho explained, "as his brother I'm telling the truth. felix is smarter than you think. it's all just an act."

jisung's eyes widened, shook, "why does he act like that in the first place!"

minho shrugs his shoulders, "it's mostly caused by a crush. but I'm guessing he really likes this changbin guy cause he's been keeping it up for quite a while."

"is..felix actually smart?"

minho shook his head and laughed, "you seem so surprised. do you really think someone is that dumb and innocent in his age group?"

jisung replied with a soft 'no'.

"felix knows what he's doing. whatever he wants, he will get. no matter what."

to all the comments
that called me 'dumb'
- a story by lee felix

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