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"jisung. what's the difference between owo and uwu?" changbin questioned with curiosity.

jisung who was at the register shrugged. "I don't know, ask urban dictionary."

"urban dictionary is untrustworthy."

"so you're saying my knowledge is trustworthy. bitch I can't even get a double digit number on tests."

changbin who snorted by his comment covered his mouth. "you're so stupid, please tell me you're joking."

"I said it with a straight face right?"

"okay you got to get your life together man." changbin said, shaking his head out of disappointment. "seriously, I've just been thinking about felix most days. it's weird, like—"

"hey losers!!" a voice shouted from the store's entrance.

"hyunjin, what are you doing here?"

"felix and I heard you guys trying to kill each other yesterday. felix doesn't know changbin and woojin that well so I wanted to introduce him.." hyunjin explained, which made jisung's eyes widen.

"really now?"

hyunjin nodded, "why are they not here?"

changbin who hastily crouched behind a rack of figurines, sweated heavily. fuck. I'm not ready at all. is all he could think.

"changbin!" jisung called out, "where the hell are you!"


jisung shook his head and whispered to both felix and hyunjin. "he's not."

hyunjin laughed while felix let out a cute giggle. "well, where's woojin hyung anyways?"

"he's on break, went to go visit chan or something."

"ah, the boyfriends are at it again." hyunjin then smiled. felix pursed his lips, questioning shyly. "they're dating?"

jisung shook his head and hands, "no! sorry, that was a total misunderstanding. but they're just really good friends and a lot of people like them together."

"t—that's cute.."

"I know right. I wish I had someone to shower me with love. unlike you hyunjin you have—"

hyunjin lightly slapped jisung's face. chuckling awkwardly he gave jisung the, 'shut up and say no more' look. "sorry, you had something on your face."


"don't swear you meanie!!" felix told, "but does the changbin guy not wanna meet me. we can come another time."

jisung caressed his cheek, "I think he's just shy."

felix looked around the store, "someone who works here doesn't seem like a shy person. more of blunt..serious.."

"sorry jisung. but it's felix's first time in hot topic."

"you've got to be kidding. you never told me that!"

felix blushed from embarrassment. "sorry..I didn't think it would be important."

"changbin come out! seriously man just say hi!"

"I—I'm restock-"

"you're not god damn restocking, your short ass is hiding behind some rack so come out!"

changbin sighed, "you know I'm your hyung and you're talking to me like I'm a lower class man."

changbin stepping out of the shadows, he revealed himself to the three boys. "happy?"

he wore a white t-shirt and black ripped jeans. to finish off his look he had a black dad cap on with black timberlands. felix gulped, he didn't seem harmful at all. his eyes trailed to changbin's arms, he noticed whenever changbin flexed it would show off his muscles.

he couldn't lie, he really liked it.

he had two silver rings on his finger. his expression was stern yet somewhat soft, felix didn't know why, but he felt his heart melt.

"h—hi I'm fe—felix! nice to meet you.." as felix held out his hand.

changbin shook it without any hesitation. "changbin, you probably already know that though."

felix flashed a smile and nodded. "y—yeah!" he thanked the dark lighting in the store, because he knew his cheeks were red as tomato.

"so changbin, why'd you lie to us? it was quite obvious you weren't restocking. you practically drop everything when you are."

changbin rolled his eyes. really jisung? you're gonna put me on the spot. "well..I got a text on my phone and stopped."

"even more lies." as jisung scoffed, pointing to the boy.

"you're such a—" but changbin was cut off by hyunjin.

"hey! no fighting when there is guest. literally I have no tolerance today." hyunjin sighed. "maybe felix and I should just—"

"n—no!" felix said, giving a pout. "I'd like to stay here.."

"really? but you don't like dark and scary stuff. you even told me that before we entered so I held your hand."

"wow felix you're literally a baby." jisung said with amazement in his voice.

felix turned to where only jisung and hyunjin could see his face, "i don't want to stay for the store sillies. but for something else." as he then winked, secretly gesturing to the other boy.

jisung's jaw dropped, while hyunjin smirked. "how interesting, guess we're coming here for break more often."

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