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"cool then can I-!" but changbin was cut off by woojin.

"wait, say the name again?" woojin asked, giving a confused expression.

"I said hyunjin. it's hyunjin right?" jisung told, sipping his smoothie once more.

"hyunjin has black hair? this boy has blonde pinkish hair." woojin explained, "and I know hyunjin hasn't dyed his hair."

"well how do you know I'm wrong!" jisung then stuck his tongue out at the boy.

"my brother seungmin. now tell us the name of the other dude!"

"okay fine! I was wrong, but his name is felix. he's the younger brother of lee minho."

changbin choked on his smoothie, "what!"

"I know right. it's not fair, nobody asked them to be that pretty! I feel attacked!" jisung whined, pouting right after. "but you like felix? do you even know anything about him."

"no! that's why you're here to help. duh." changbin said with a smile. "now peasant, tell me about felix."

"excuse me? I'm not gonna do this for free!" the squirrel boy told, scoffing right after. "what am I? your wingman."

"so he does know what a wingman is.." woojin quietly said to himself. receiving an offended 'hey!' from jisung.

"come on! please!!" changbin pleaded, "ill do anything. okay maybe not anything but what does your devil ass want!"

jisung rolled his eyes, "I'll help you just stop! I'll introduce you once we have our break. now quit whining!"

"fine.." changbin sighed, "but thanks man. I owe you one."

"shut up."

"that's not how you should speak to your hyung!" changbin scolded, hitting jisung lightly.

short chapter •3•

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