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should I do another
face reveal?? I don't think
I look that much different
from the one in I did
in doll

maybe I will

should I?


edit : NOT EVEN
really wonder how hwall
would look like with dyed
hair since it's been black
since their debut'

brb gonna go
drown myself
in the shower

"uh..I've heard poly! it sounds like polly pockets but I don't know what it meant so I don't really listen." felix told, changbin slapped his forehead muttering 'cute'.

"you really think chan is into that? woojin! and jeongin don't even know about each other!" hyunjin pointed out, throwing his fork onto his empty cinnamon bun tray.

"I don't even know, woojin doesn't seem like the type to share." changbin sighed.

"but sharing is caring! everyone knows that, duh." felix said to changbin, "now you know binnie!"

"god felix you're so dumb it makes me wanna cry." jisung groaned, as he slapped his hand onto his forehead.

"I mean, interfering would be our usual plan but what if they get suspicious?" hyunjin told to the others. "what if we get caught! and woojin and chan hyung kills us!"

jisung sighed, "felix, are you sure you don't know if chan likes you know. the 'polly pocket' relationship thing."

"oh! well, I can definitely ask him. do you want me too—"

"no!" changbin stopped felix from taking out his phone.

"what?" felix questioned with curiosity. "it's just a simple question!"

"nope, how about we let this flow on it's own. if chan has two boyfriends, cool! if he ends up with one or none. it's not really our problem, it's theirs. so let it be." hyunjin told, jisung nodded.

"yeah, let them be. they're old enough to handle this. don't worry about it guys."


"bye seungminnie! see you tomorrow!!" jeongin waved goodbye, clutching onto his toast plushie. waiting for chan in front of the nike store. just where chan told him too.

his phone vibrating , he got a text from chan.

!channie!; almost there love

jeongin smiled, he was quite excited but nervous to meet the new guy. chan had been talking about some sort of relationship so he was curious. chan specifically told him,

I like you a lot. yet I like someone else too. are you able to be with me, and him? if not, I totally understand.

jeongin didn't quite understand what it meant. but he said okay anyways. but then, he was told this.

but..this other person doesn't know about you. so please be nice and I'll take care of everything okay love?

and jeongin listened, he didn't know what their relationship was. but as long as he's with his channie he's okay. friends, boyfriends doesn't matter what.

waiting a couple more minutes, he saw chan dragging another boy with him.

"channie hyung!"

"hi jeongin!" chan greeted, giving him a kiss on his forehead. "did you wait long? woojin is being quite stubborn."

"why should I third wheel on your date!" woojin sassed, "I have no purpose here!"

jeongin just giggled, chan snaked his arm around woojin's waist and put his other hand around jeongin's shoulder.

"who said it was a date for jeongin and I? it's our date." as chan then smirked.

woojin's eyes then widened, cheeks reddening he softly said,

"excuse me?"

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