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my love for all you;

"thanks binnie for buying me the hat. you didn't have to, but it was really nice of you to do that.."

"of course lix. where do you wanna go next? we went to the candy shop since they didn't have the candy apples we wanted. then we're here. I saw a place filled with plushies, I think you'll like that. what do you think?"

felix nodded once he heard the word 'plushies'. "okay!! we can definitely go, so then I can buy you something and—"


"is that your phone?"

the blonde taking his phone out, he checked the message he received.

hyunjin : brace face boy is going to meet chan at the nike store, if you guys are close by can you stall them? his name's jeongin, we should probably stop calling him braces boy

felix : okie dokie!

"hyunjin said braces boy is named jeongin. he's going to the nike store to meet chan, are we nearby?"

"like a store or three away. guess we should go interfere." as changbin smirked.

"yep! let's go binnie binnie." felix held changbin's hand on the way to the store. seeing chan and jeongin exit it, they held hands as well. jeongin resting his head on chan's shoulder as they walked.

felix talking a picture, changbin gave him a confused look. "what? to spill the tea."

changbin lowered his phone down, "kinda look like a stalker sweetheart. let's just bump into them and say hi."

"fine, your plan seems much more simpler.."

"okay, they seem to be turning around, so let's just stay here and you say hi okay?"

"got it binnie binnie!"

waiting for chan and jeongin to pass by. they stayed put, seeing the two boys near them. felix looked up and acted surprised. "chan! hi!!!" he called out.

chan looking around, he spotted felix and changbin. nervously scratching his neck, he waved. "hey felix, changbin."

"what's up." changbin greeted.

"what you up to channie? I saw spotted you and decided to say hi."

chan shrugged, "nothing much, just out with jeongin. I don't think you guys know him since he's a freshman."

jeongin recognized felix's face due to minho being his brother so he kept quiet. "yep, totally don't know him." felix told, which surprised the younger. "so are you guys on like some date?"

"felix!" chan shouted with embarrassment. "sorry jeongin..he's always like this.."

"it's okay channie. friends will be friends." as jeongin giggled.

chan smiled at the boy warmly, "sure, you can say a date?"

changbin eyes widening, he looked away gritting his teeth. guess woochan is going to be rest in pepperoni.

"how about you guys, are you on a date?" chan then questioned, making changbin snap out of his thoughts.


"we are!" felix finished, "binnie and I have been doing lots today."

"that's cool, but jeongin and I have a movie to catch. sorry for the abrupt leave but, see you guys later." chan told, both of them said their goodbyes before leaving.

changbin put a hand on felix's shoulder, noticing how worked up he was getting. he needed to calm the boy down. "hey, it's okay. chan can date whoever but I'll break down the news to woojin don't worry. It'll all be okay lix."

felix sighed, "yeah..but doesn't woojin hyung really like chan?"

changbin didn't want to lie so he nodded his head with disappointment. "yeah..but not everyone can get together. I'll tell him, but you seem like you're in a bad mood now. I'll buy you some ice cream so that frown can go away."

felix could help but crack a little smile on his face. "okay binnie binnie, you're always spoiling me like I'm some princess."

changbin held felix's hand, giving him a cute smile. "maybe cause you are my princess."

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