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as minho walked to hot topic, he was somewhat annoyed since he was called by his little brother. he had more important things to do. and those important things were to go shopping and get some cinnamon buns.

"who wants to meet me anyways?" minho asked himself, "I'm not even interested.."

passing a couple stores, he arrived at hot topic. entering, he spotted felix due to his vibrant hair color. "hey! lix, what do you want?"

felix, changbin, and hyunjin turned at the same time. they all greeted him politely, except for jisung. he was too blinded by minho's pretty face.

"well, this is the boy I wanted you to meet!" felix then did jazz hands towards jisung. "this is jisung, he's one of my friends."

"interesting how you have friends, but what does this jisung want with me?" minho crossed his arms, somewhat irritated. "you know, if he doesn't say anything I'll just leave."

jisung's eyes brightened. yes! leave please. "fine, then leave." the squirrel boy talked. "I don't want to talk to a rude headass."

woojin slapped his forehead, internally screaming. that's not how you talk to your hyung.

"excuse me?" minho scoffed, "do you know who you're talking to?"

"yeah, a low leveled person."

felix looked at minho then looked at jisung. his mouth creating an 'o' shape, he grabbed changbin by the wrist. "hey binnie binnie, let's get some candy apples. I saw a chocolate store that has some."

"wait lix I have work can't we—"

"bye guys!" felix ran out with changbin without any care. hyunjin who sighed, shook his head.

"guess I'll get going too. bye hyung, bye jisung." hyunjin leaving the store, it was only woojin, jisung and minho left. woojin didn't want to get caught up with the drama so he went to the back to listen instead.

minho walked up to jisung. putting his hands on the counter, it was the only thing that separated jisung and minho. "look, I don't know what you want with me. but if I wasted my precious time to come here I'll—"

"you'll what? run me over with you motorcycle. get one of your toys to blackmail me?"

minho clenched his fist. "you little—"

"oh save it." jisung chuckled, "this was a mistake. you can leave I don't care."

the older crossed his arms, "really? you don't care. most people would be crying over me to stay."

"you can turn your back and I wouldn't shed a tear." jisung leaned in, giving a smirk. "my tears are too precious to be wasted on a playboy."

minho licked his lips. pulling jisung by his lanyard, he whispered into his ear.

"it's fuckboy to you, and baby I'll have you pleading for me to stay."

a/n ; as scar would say

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