Welcome to Tri Point

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"Welcome to Tri Point High School, Home of the Wolves." That's all I could read on the metal plate on the front of the grey concrete cube outside of the office on a freshly mowed lawn. I have heard the name before. If I haven't, why would I be here? Simple, I'm starting freshmen year. What's my name? Simple, I'm Wyatt Bailic. Am I excited to be here? Simply, I'm not.

I've always been that silent kid in the back. I've only had four other friends in middle school. There was Rachel Stenrig. She's like my best friend even though her beauty attracts every guy. She has a large heart of gold to match her amber blonde hair.

I can't forget Derrick Kellan. The guy is a jock, and doesn't exactly have a head the size of Jupiter. He always tries to hit on girls with his hazel skin and pristine smile to follow. I swear my friend, Joel Matro, could learn a thing or two from him. Joel is smarter than most of the students but lacks a bit in social skills, although he is comfortable around me and the guys. If he could only lose the glasses and fix those two pimples, he could do fairly well.

Finally, there's Amy Perdal. Amy has slight depression and gets paranoid on occasions. We found her alone one day and welcomed her to our table. She didn't speak up right away but soon opened up very quickly. We always recognize her by her pale skin and brunette hair under a blue wool beanie. That seems to be just about everyone. Now, if only I could find them.

This school is so much larger than I expected. Finding all of them will be like finding a needle in a haystack. I see a building larger than the rest with "cafeteria" written on the front and "wolves" on the glass windows. I walk in and a large uproar of students jolts me to be alert. As I look around several guys give an evil stare towards my way. My high school life is off to a great start, isn't it?

I scan once more to see Rachel's amber hair in the far corner to my right. I rush up searching through countless students. I just need to have one friend here. Please be her.

I finally pierce though the crowd and arrive at the table where she sits. Her arms and hair pour over her head like a golden waterfall as she faces downwards to the white table.


"I'm not joining you're stupid group!" she screamed in annoyance launching her head up in my direction. "Wyatt. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you."

I calmly wave my hand upwards signaling my feelings were not hurt. I'm always there for Rachel when something is wrong.

"What's bugging you Rachel? You look down." I say while taking a seat to her left even though the whole table is empty and can fit around seven people.

"People keep walking up and asking me to be in their group. They say their jocks, nerds, emos, beauties, hipsters. It's weird"

"That's odd. Did you say you would?"

"Nope. Plus, I belong with you and the gang."

"Haha. Well thanks," I chuckle as she pulls out her phone and looks deeply at it for a few seconds.

"Hey, Amy said her and Joel are by the soda machines. Wanna go?" she asked. I had already stood before she finished.

We walked only about twenty six feet to a door. However, due to the abundance of students, it took us a minute or two to exit. As we stepped out, the chatter was muffled and space to move was more than plentiful. The soda machines were by the gym that was the building across from the cafeteria. There we see Amy's beanie and Joel's glasses and instantly felt warm and welcomed.

"Hey, guys. How's it going?" Joel said in a laid back tone as we approach.

"Joel, you seem up today. What's new?" Rachel said grinning with her hands around her hips.

"Well...," Joel then reaches Amy's hand and gently grips it in his.

"Aww!" Rachel squealed "I knew you guys would be together. I told you."

"Thanks. We're so happy. Plus, it seems we're all together," Amy smiled.

"Whoa. We can't forget Derrick. Have you guys seen him around?" I questioned.

"Yeah," Amy replied as her and Joel giggled and widened their eyes. "Behind you!"

Before I could turn someone tackled me from behind I immediately got up only to see Derrick and his signature smile.

"You guys weren't gonna party without me, right?" he said with a kind chuckle.

"How could we man? Nice to see you. Still in shape, I see," I said while performing a handshake we made years ago.

"You bet. Well, we're all here. You guys--"

"Hey you!" said a large beefy man with a shaved head and stood about a foot taller than Derrick. "That's some tackle you got. Why be with these nerds when you can be with the rest of the jocks."

"Well, first: I know I can tackle and probably better than you. Second: these people have been with me from the start so screw off before I show you how a tackle feels" Derrick said as his smile faded with each word.

"Don't do something you regret, kid," the man growled as he stepped closer.

"Leave now and I won't have to." The man stared for a second before leaving without another word.

"What's wrong with the dudes here?" Derrick questioned.

"Who gives a crap? Let's just enjoy our time here," Rachel spoke with the annoyance returning to her voice.

"Rachel is right," I said. "Let's just move on and get to class. I'll see you guys at lunch alright." With that Amy and Joel went in one direction, Derrick left on his own, and Rachel and I went together before parting ways. I don't know why people are so pushy here. Honestly, I hope I can stay out of it.

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