Long Ride Home

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"Where are you?!" Rachel yells in the car as she is still gazing at her hands.

"What are you talking about, Rachel? We're right here." Derrick says as he turns around in his seat.

"It's all blue! The engine is laughing! Don't leave me!" she says in a burst of tears.

Amy grabs her shoulder. "She must have been slipped Lapin when we weren't looking and didn't know!"

Rachel then swats Amy's hand in an animalistic fashion. She reaches for her buckle and hisses as it doesn't release. She then wraps her arms around Kyle's neck from behind the seat. He tries to get her off as she is chocking him.

"You're all gone! It's just me and the cold! The whispers won't stop!" She screams as the hallucinations fluctuate in her mind.

I pull her back to a seated position. She scrambles as I try to hold her calmly by her wrist. She's growling and snarling. I soon get her arms above her head as she whimpers. She continuously thrashes her head and kicks my shins.

"Rachel. I'm here. I haven't left. I never will." I say as the trashing subsides.

"The cold! I need to be warm! I need--" she protested before launching herself onto me causing me to lean on the door. She then kisses me as if it will save her life.

I'm kissing her. She's kissing me. She doesn't mean it, right? It's not my first, but it feels like it is. It's so comforting. I hear... I hear... snoring?

I look up to see Rachel's head rested on my cheek in a limp way. I hear the hushed light snores escape her parted lips. I rise to seat her in her original seat. Lapin must have took a lot out of her. Rachel. My Rachel.

"Is she alright?" Joel asked trying to figure out what happened.

"Yeah." I say in a breathe. "She was just exhausted."

"Let's drop her off. Lapin usually last for short periods of time. We'll say she passed out from the dance." Kyle says as he rubs his throat from her attack.

"Alright" I reply.

We are at her house. I carry her in bridal-style as her mother answers the door. Ms. Stenrig knows me well and trusts that I would never harm her daughter. She tells me to just lay her in her bed and she'll be alright. Knowing her home by heart, I'm in her room in a matter of seconds.

I lay her down. The pillow needs to be fluffed. She needs another blanket or two. I'll place that bear I gave her on her birthday between her arms.

"You're a great guy, Wyatt." I hear her mom behind me as she smiles at how I've tucked her daughter in.

"Thanks. Would it be ok if I come tomorrow to see how she is?" I ask as I turn to her.

"Of course, but let her sleep for now."

We say goodbye and good night before I head to the van. One by one Kyle drops us off. I'm the last with him. He grabs my arm as I open the door.

"Hey. I'm really sorry. I'm also thankful. You guys did what needed to be done and now Quinn gets what was coming." He said.

"No problem, man. Just make one thing clear." I say as I step out and lean on his rolled down window. "They come before any mission. If something happens to them, I won't forgive myself. We're clear on that, right?"

"Yeah." He answers. "Get a good sleep, Wyatt. You deserve it." Kyle then drives off as I hobble into my house and into my room.

I look up at the ceiling. Can I go to sleep any faster? I want to be by Rachel's side as soon as I can. My eyes grow heavy and the street light's glow fades. With all things considered, homecoming was a pretty nice day.

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