This Party Sucks

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As we are at the driveway, Joel wishes us luck and heads to the van to start the video feeds. The remainder of us go to the front door before Kyle rings the doorbell as it breaks through the blaring music.

"What do you want?" asks a guy in a grey beanie that looks as scruffy as his five o'clock shadow. He takes a step to Kyle as his bleach stained hoodie turn golden from the street lights.

"Hey, Quinn. Just heard of this party and brought some freshmen who like your clique." Kyle speaks up sternly.

"Kyle? Man, I haven't seen you since the C.O. and everyone hated you. What's up, brother?" Quinn says in a raspy chuckle.

"I just told you. Mind if we party for a bit?" He says annoyed before Quinn steps aside to grant us access.

With two feet in, you can see the smoke twirl in the light as if it danced along with the others here. It's easy to tell that people have already took lapin pied. I see Kurt and Alexis, a couple I knew in middle school, whispering compliments about how one makes a cute tortoise nostril or how one looks like the pineapple's feathers. The only people who seem to not have taken it are the junkies.

"Don't drink or eat anything." I hear Kyle say as is voice is muffled by the music.

"What was that Kyle?" Quinn ponders as he steps to his right.

"I told Wyatt and Derrick to get some drinks. Come one, buddy. Let's go to the backyard and hang out with the girls."

"Sure. I'm looking forward to knowing this little thing." He says as he pats Rachel on the shoulder. Suddenly, I can't wait for him to be locked up. Jerk.

We start to head to the kitchen to seem we are doing as we are told. Derrick and I quickly walk out and move upstairs to the dense mass of hallucinating party goers.

"Joel? is everything working?" Derrick says to the mic before giving me a thumbs up. "Quinn should have more lapin pied in his room. Let's just get in, grab the others, and walk out." He says as I nod.

We come to a bedroom with a large man with dreadlocks kissing a purple haired girl half his size passionately. Quinn must have had him there to guard the stash because the man stops to look us deadly in the eyes.

"Why are you fools here? This isn't a place for kids." He says as the girl leans her head on chest. Her devilish grin is unnerving to me.

"Quinn needed more lapin for some more guest. He wanted us to grab some." I say hoping my lie is believable. The guy is silent. He wants me to break.

"It's in his closet. You have ninety seconds to get it and get out. If you don't, we'll have some problems."

"Sure." I say as we turn the knob to see clothes and papers covering the floor.

I pear out the window to see the others by a camp fire drinking from red cups and spitting them out when nobody is paying attention. To my delight, Rachel and Quinn are on opposite sides of the fire. Just then, Derrick calls my name as I see him with a bag of tablets. Some are crushed up.

"Have you caught it, Joel?" he asks he headphones again. He nods before throwing it back under a pile of clothes. We walk out as the guard give an evil stare as the girl's wicked smirk seems to grow more by the second.

"Why don't you have it?"

"He was out. I'll tell him." Derrick says before marching away as I follow him down the stairs. "Joel, told the others we got it. We are meeting in front of the van."

We rush out while still trying to seem casual. I see Joel sitting in the back with the doors open as I turn to see the others behind us.

"We did it!" Kyle cheers as Amy and Joel hug each other ending their separation.

"Thank god." Rachel intrudes. "Any longer and I would slapped Quinn in to the fire. Creep."

"It's all over now. Let's go home and Kyle can turn in the video to the police." Joel says while he still holds Amy close.

We all hop into the van. Kyle drove as Derrick seatless in the passenger seat. The girls and I sat behind them as Joel was at the computer saving the video feed. Derrick is celebrating with Kyle with some smart remarks from Joel. Amy reaches behind herself to hold him hand as they all giggle along. I do too even though I glare out the window. The whole plan went smoothly and none of us were hurt. Homecoming was great.

"Guys!" I hear Rachel shriek with terror through the laughter. I turn to see her gazing at the floor with empty black eyes. Her hands are shaking. She's sweating crazily. The laughter fades.

"Guys!" she screams again with more volume and fright.

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