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The final days of break are going fast. Christmas has pasted but lacked any major events. It was just a combination of being kind and wishing everyone on the face of the earth you knew a merry day. The best gift, by far, was a new black hoodie from my parents. The bleached one is still in my backpack for the simple reason of I'm too lazy to bother with it.

Kyle insisted that we all join together at the garage for New Year's Eve. He and Gwen offered all of us rides there and back since we decided not to be back until at least midnight. Gwen took Derrick and Joel as Kyle picked up Rachel and I.

After a happy conversation about holidays, no school, and no cliques, we all step into a garage flourishing with decorations and party favors. The lounge was packed with pointed hats and party blowers as we watched the celebration in Times Square on the television. The table was covered in wine glass-shaped, plastic cups and a variety of snacks. The pool table has banners hung around the edges as the computer is decorated in pointed lights.

"Damn, Kyle." Joel said in awestruck as we made our way to the couch. "You really went all out."

"Yup. I also have this." He pulls out two glass bottles of what appear to be champagne. Gwen suddenly looks uncomfortable.

"I... I don't drink." Her voice is shaky.

Kyle just chuckles. "Me neither. It's sparkling cider. Plus, if I get you guys drunk, Kendon won't be as willing to let me use the school cams." Gwen giggles and the party resumes in electrified fashion.

Party blowers sequel as different bands and signers preform on T.V. to our delight. Derrick and Gwen dance on top of the pool table. Rachel, Joel, and I are on the floor talking back and forth as the music plays on. Soon, after we are all breathing heavy and sitting at the table, Rachel suggest we share New Year's resolutions.

"My resolution... to get on the JV team next year as team captain." Derrick is good but even I thought it was a stretch. "What about you, babe?" He looks as Gwen as she cuddles up next to him.

She paused. "I want to be at all of you're games." Classic girlfriend answer. "Also, I want to try to help you guys like you've helped me when I first met you all." That was a nice touch.

"I would try to keep straight A's." Joel smirks. "But, I already do that. If it's not broken don't fix it." We all give a hearty chuckle to his comment.

"I'm gonna get rid off the cliques. I promise that." Kyle's was not exactly a fan favorite. The cliques were an absent thought to our heads until then. After assuring he won't bring it up again, he ask me for mine.

I haven't thought of mine at all. Resolutions were usually forgotten by February to me. However, this wasn't like every other year. "My resolution is to make sure we can be the big, messed up family we are now. That I'll always have your backs as I'm sure you'll have mine." There's a gentle flow of agreeing, warm comments to my statement as Rachel begins.

"Let me think." She shuffles her hair with a scrunched face as she picks her brain for one. "I want to convince Kyle to take a shower." We all bust into a laugh, including Kyle. "But, since that's impossible, I want nothing to change. I'm pretty happy where we are."

After that, we all toast to a new year and drink some more cider as it turns to 11:59. The television counts down the seconds as we join in.

"24... 23... 22... 21..." Rachel and I lean to the edge of our seat.

"18... 17... 16... 15..." Derrick and Gwen huddle together.

"12... 11... 10... 9..." Joel and Kyle poor more cider into the plastic cups.

"3... 2... 1!" Horns go off. Cheerful music is playing. Gwen and Derrick share their first kiss of the year. Joel and Kyle clink the cups together as the pat each other on the back. Rachel and I jump up in glee. We join together in a warm, friendly hug. Before we parted, I felt her give a quick peck on my cheek. Nothing big. Just a peck.

"What was that for?" I chuckle while not complaining. She just giggles.

"Because, my other resolution is to have you around." I will never understand her.

It still shocks me how that all occurred in less than ten seconds. We all rest back down in a euphoric state of joy. Nothing can make me feel different than right now. We are a group of nameless teenagers in a warehouse as the whole world erupts in happiness. Somehow, we feel like kings in that world. We are invincible for the next minute. I like that.

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