Taking Action

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Friday is here. I got a letter on my desk from Kyle since he oddly refuses to talk outside of the garage to us. The kid thinks he's some federal agent or something. The note told me to bring everyone to the garage at 7:00. Nothing else was written. I felt as if I had no choice but to bring it up.

We hate talking about and tried to talk about our families, hobbies, or anything else really. We all groaned but chose to go.

"Are you sure he said nothing else?" Joel questioned as we approached the garage's door step.

"Yeah," I replied, "Let's just punch in the code, finish this, and head to my place to relax."

Amy puts in the code and the garage slowly rises. The place is much dimmer than before. We walk in with caution feeling the walls for a light switch.

"Are you ready!?" Kyle yells from his office as he burst through his door and quickly turns all the lights on.

"Show off," Rachel mumbles as she lets her eyes adjust.

"Come on. I can't have fun? Plus, you didn't answer. Are... you... ready?" Kyle says switching to a calm tone as he takes confident strides toward us. "Let's get to the lounge. I have some good news.

We head upstairs behind him. Kyle takes a large recliner while Joel and Amy hold each other's hands on the couch by the window. Rachel, derrick, and I all sit on a couch to the left of them.

"Any of you guys going to homecoming?" Kyle leans in.

"No. It's like another month and a half away." Rachel spat in the annoyed tone she seems to only hold while talking to him.

"Listen, word has it that Quinn is holding a party afterwards and ordered a few 'party favors' for the guest. We prove he has it and turn him in for dealing."

"How do we do that?" Derrick asked as Kyle pulled a folder from the recliner and placed pictures from inside on the table in the center of all of us.

"Here's his house. It's a big place and his parents aren't home often. This week, I caught this photo of him talking to some dude and heard him asking to deliver lapin pied. It’s French for rabbit foot; a hallucinogen. He wants different clique members there and gets them to spill any dirt they have as they party."

"Why not tell police?" Amy interrupted as we all leaned into the table with curiosity.

"We need something solid."

"You need us," Rachel said crossing her arms.

"Correct. The plan is to get invited and you guys will be my guest. Once we're in, Wyatt and Derrick will have hidden cameras. Joel will track you guys from the van outside as you find his stash and any dealing info for the cops. Just let Joel get it on video so we have proof. Meanwhile, Amy, Rachel, and I will be with everyone to avoid suspicion. Once you guys radio in and are done, I’ll head out and deliver the evidence the morning after. Sound good?"

There's silence. We all turn to each other as usual. The plan seems easy. Plus, Quinn can't get us after he's arrested. Our shared glares tell each of us is on board.

"Fine, but if something is fishy, we leave immediately. Understood?"

"Of course I do, Bailic. Stay low; we won't talk until that week. Just take a breather and pick out something nice," he said with a somewhat sarcastic smirk before walking into his office and locking the door. I don't understand how he can smile.

We sit in the lounge for another half hour before leaving for home. Amy and Joel seem happy to go to homecoming together due to them chatted back and forth on the way home. It's good to see the clique issue isn't the only thing we all think about.

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