Brief Announcement

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It has be two and a half weeks since the first day of school. I've gotten used to the classes and have had time to catch up with the group. We just sit around and talk about our day, opinions, and thoughts. Maybe things haven’t changed.

We all sit at lunch as usual as Joel talks about his date with Amy. Rachel sat and listened because she always loved to hear about romance. Derrick and I just went into a separate conversation about his tryouts for the freshmen football team. So far, the year isn't too bad.

"Hey," said a voice behind me. I turn to see the student in Ms. Alson's class. Everyone else soon noticed him but have no idea who he is. "Got room for one more?"

"Uh...sure we do," I say before he places himself between me and Derrick.

"Kyle," he said as he introduces himself to everyone.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"After that incident with Tyson, the principal suspended is both," Kyle said as he then explained the whole situation to the others. I could see Derrick was mildly upset I didn't tell him sooner.

"Why exactly did you help him?" Rachel asked.

"Freshmen are always targets at the beginning of the year. Every group always tries to get them on their side to boost their numbers."


"It's because of --"

"Good afternoon, Tri Point wolves,” said a voice over the intercom. "This is only the best mind in town, Lincoln Renolds. Here is a short announcement reminding you all that we nerds are the superior alliance. We also wish to inform you that you either join us or face the consequences. Thank you and please make the wise choice." The intercom then shuts off for a few seconds.

"Attention staff and students. This is Mr. Kendon, your principal. Please ignore the previous announcement as it was a mere prank. We will work hard to ensure this incident is not repeated. Thank you for your understanding." The courtyard is then silent before everyone resumes to their conversations.

"Dammit, Lincoln," Kyle spat, "Listen. I can't explain it all right now." He pulls out a card. "All of you go to this address Saturday at 2:06. I can tell you everything. Don't join any groups! Good luck!" he said as he ran before we could ask any questions.

We stand in shock. I feel we are each pondering what exactly happened.

"Should we go?" Amy asked as she pondered at the sheet of paper.

"The real question is if that Kyle guy is a total nut case," Derrick added.

"We can...," I said while wondering myself, "He helped me out so he could be somewhat useful."

"Alright, but let's meet up and go together just to be safe," Rachel agreed. I'm not convinced they trust him but they at least trust me.

Lunch ended. We all exchanged text all day making sure we had everything planned out. It was only Tuesday but we had to be sure. Kyle won't talk until then. I just hope he's the only guy here who isn't completely insane.

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