Chapter 1

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If your were wondering who I am,I think you would be surprised.
Im (Y/N),the first ever human Dragon Hunter.Now,it took along time to learn the basics of being a Dragon Hunter but I got the hang of it.Im here to tell you my story of how I became the first ever Human Dragon Hunter.

It all started one morning before school...


*beep beep beep*

I tiredly hit my alarm clock and sat up in bed.

"Gosh,what time is it",I said while rubbing my eyes.I glanced at my alarm clock to see it was 8:00.


I got dressed and started brushing my (H/L)(H/C) hair.Then,I hurried downstairs into the garage and opened the door.

"I'm so late",I said while putting my backpack on and getting on my bike.

As the garage door opened up,i put my helmet on and rode my bike out of the garage.

I rode my bike through the woods to save 10 mins.I was peddling as fast as I could until I hit something that made my bike flip over.

"Ahhh",I yelled as I hit the ground.

"What was that",I said while rubbing my head.I looked around until I spotted a big pile of rocks.

"Wow,I've never seen a pile of rocks that big before",I said to my self.I crawled up to the rocks and study them.

"The shape of these rocks are very unusual".

"(Y/N)(L/N)",I heard the rocks say.

"Ahh",I yelled while falling backwards."That pile of rocks just said my name"!

I looked around before standing up and running back to my bike.As I was about to pick my bike up,the pile of rocks spoke again."(Y/N)(L/N)",it said.

"Ok,is this a prank or am I just going crazy"?

Before I turned back to my bike,I glanced down at the rocks to see a soft purple glow coming from them.

Out of curiosity,I cautiously walked up to the pile of rocks and kneeled in front of them.I started digging in the pile of rocks to see some kind of pocket watch.
Well,more like a amulet.It had a soft purple glow coming from it.

I put it next to my ear to see if I hear anything but instead,I hear the school bell.

"Oh great,now I'm really late all because of stupid rocks",I said.

I stuffed the amulet in my bag and picked my bike up.Then,I quickly got on it and rode to the school.
I pulled up to the school and ran inside to find my classroom.Once I was in front of the classroom door,I opened it up to reveal all the kids staring at me.Including Mr.Strickler.

"Ah,Miss.(L/N).Your late",Mr.Strickler said.

"Oh um yes,Mr.Strickler.I crashed my bike and kinda got distracted",I said.

"Well,just have a seat please",He said.

I nodded and walked to my seat.I sat behind a boy with black hair and blue eyes.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now