Chapter 12

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I woke up to my head pounding and my ears ringing.Last thing I remember is almost killing Jim and saving him from the blast.

I felt something shaking my shoulders as I slightly opened my eyes

"Jim?What happened?",I asked as I sat up.

I blushed as I realized he was holding my hand.

"You're alive!I thought I had lost you",He said.

He used his hand to tuck some hair behind my ear.

"Of course I am,did you really think I was going to leave you guys?",I asked as I got up.

"It's a miracle that your alive",Blinky said.

I smiled but immediately frowned."I'm sorry that I all most killed you.I had no control-"

"I know you didn't have control over yourself (Y/N).When I saw you,I knew that you weren't acting right",He said.

"I tried to stop myself"

"Yeah and I'm thankful that you were strong enough to fight yourself",he said.

"I hate to ruin the moment but the play starts in 10 minutes",Toby said.

I looked at Jim and smiled."Good luck",I said.

I started to walk off until he grabbed my wrist.

"Wait",he said.

I turned and looked him.

"What are you doing?"

"Something I should have done a long time ago",he said.

"Your going to be late for your scene with your Cla-"

Before I could finish my sentence,I felt his lips crash onto mine.He pulled me closer to him as I slipped my arms around his neck.

When we broke apart,I looked down and blushed.

Toby squealed as Blinky just started at us with wide eyes.

I smiled and Jim made a nervous laugh.

"Sorry,I just-"

"No no,your fine.I...kinda liked it",I said.

There was an awkward silence until I broke it.

"You better go.Don't want to be late",I said.

"Oh crap",he said.

"The play starts in 5 minutes",Toby exclaimed.

"Where's Hannah?",I asked.

"She's at the play worried about you.She has no idea that your back to normal yet",Toby said.

"Well she's in for a surprise",I said.

Luckily,I still had my amulet with me."For the glory of Merlin,Moonlight is mine to command",I said.

My normal armor attached to me as I landed safely on the ground.

"I'll meet you guys there,ok?",I said before flying off.

I beat them to the play.

I landed behind the school and took my amulet off,putting it in my pocket.

I walked inside but bumped into someone.

I looked up to see Claire.

"(Y/N)?",she asked.

"You're back!",she said.

"Yup,I'm excited to see the play",I said.

"Actually,I'm not doing the play",she said.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now