Chapter 9/part 1

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I looked at the portal and back at Strickler.

"Your amulet works differently with the bridge.You don't have to put yours in the key,you just hold it in front of it",he said.

I nodded and I held my amulet up to the key whole.The bridge glowed as a tiny black hole opened up.Big enough for only me to get through.

"Go on now.He's waiting for your arrival",Strickler said.

I nodded and jumped through the portal.As I looked behind me,I noticed the portal already closed.

I looked around.This place is huge and dark.No wonder its was called the darklands.It also looks like these paths are never ending.

I started walking down a path,trying to find some kind of home like structure.After what felt like an hour,I finally arrived at a building.It was huge but it was hard to see because it blended in with everything else.

I walked up to the door and opened it,revealing a huge room.At the very front,there was a throne and someone was in it.It was to dark to see the person though.

"Hello?",I asked.

The person at the front grumbled until he saw me.He immediately stuck his hand out.

"Come forward",he said.

I nodded and obeyed his command.

When I was in front of him,I could finally see a glimpse of his face.

He stood up and walked towards me.My eyes widen."Your a troll?",I asked.

He smiled."Of course and you must be the puny Dragon Hunter that Strickler talked about",he said.


"Anyway,you will have a mentor.Fleshbag,this is Dictatious Galadrigal",Gunmar said.

I turned around to see another troll in a cloak.He had six eyes and was a dark green color.

"Now get out of my site",he said while brushing us off.

"Um ok?",I said as I followed Dictatious out of the room.

"What is your name Flesh bag?"

"(Y/N)",I replied.

"We're happy that you agreed.We have been trying to escape this awful pace for years but know that your here,you can help us",he said. 

"Years?",I asked.

He nodded."The wizard who made your amulet banned us to this awful place years ago",he said.

"Why would he do such a cruel thing?",I asked.

"We wanted to do things our own way and he banished us because we didn't want to agree to his terms",he said.

"Wow,no one has told me about the past or who made my amulet",I said.

"Maybe it's time you learned",he said.

"Really?",I asked.

He nodded."Also,if you don't want to be punished,I have to teach you the three basic rules.Its the same as a changelings",he said.

"So like Mr.Strickler",I said.

He nodded.

"Tomorrow we shall start,you need to rest for your training",he said.

"You guys are good right?",I asked.

He hesitated before saying,"Yes,we only want to help the flesh bags and show the other trolls that we are not bad."

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now