Chapter 11/part 1

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I walked through the woods with my sword at my side.Its was almost noon and I absolutely had nothing better to do than train.

"Why does life have to be so unfair?",I asked myself as I took out my sword.

"What if I don't want to kill the Hunter?He seems like a normal person",I muttered.

I threw my sword at the tree.I heard cackling behind me as I turned around.

I kneeled down to their level.

"Any news?",I asked.

The leader of the goblins shook his head.

"You better find something before I hand you all over to Gunmar",I grumbled as I grabbed the goblin by its throat.

"Find the Hunter and bring him to me.He needs to be dealt with before he starts confusing me",I yelled as I threw the Goblin to the ground.

He grumbled and lead the pack away out of the forest.

"Get a grip (Y/N)",I said to myself as I squeezed the handle of my sword.

I sighed before walking out of the forest.I slid my hood on and walked around Arcadia.No one seemed interested in what I was doing or who I was.

I looked around at all the stores and people I was going by.It started pouring down rain.

As one girl was walking past me,I stuck my foot out and let her fall to the ground.

"Watch your step loser",I said with a smile.

She glared at me and got up."You don't have the right to purposely hurt people",she said.

"Oh really?Says who,your mommy?",I asked with a laugh.

"You have no idea who your dealing with",she said.

"Oh really,I'd like to see you try to beat me",I said.

She pushed me into an ally and took out a bracelet.

"Your going to hurt me with a piece of jewelry?",I asked.

"Never judge something by how it looks",she said.

The bracelet immediately formed into a small dagger.

"That's not normal,human tech.How did you find that?",I asked.

"None of your business",she said as she kicked at me.

I ducked and slid a foot under her making her fall back.

I hopped up and smiled at her before she punched me.I used my arms as a shield.

"Big mistake",I said as I took out my sword.

She stepped back."Who even are you?",she asked.

I threw my cloak to the side and gripped the handle of my sword.

Her eyes widen."What is going on?"

"You mean to kill you?",I asked.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now