Chapter 3

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"Ahhh",I screamed and breathed heavily.I quickly sat up.

"Wait,why am I in the living room"?

I looked around.I remember last night,something was chasing me and then the rest is fuzzy.Maybe it was a dream.

I walked over to the kitchen and made some breakfast for myself.

"Hey sweetheart,I see your up early",my dad said while walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah,i apparently fell asleep on the couch",I said.

He took as sip of his coffee and looked at me."Why did you get home an hour after curfew",he asked.

"I-I don't remember.Im not joking.All I remember is uh...doing my homework at the park and then the rest is a blur",I lied.I don't want to tell him I was being chased by something that I can't even remember.

"Find but you cannot be late anymore.Im letting you slide this time",he said.

"Thanks dad",I said while putting syrup on my pancakes.

"Make sure to finish your story this week.Your lucky they are paying you to write story's for them even though your not old enough",my dad said.

"Yes dad but I'm still trying to find something good to write about",I said.

"How about first,you tell me how you got all those cuts and bruises on you",he said while pointing at my arm.

"I crashed my bike in the woods",I lied while trying to hold a straight face.Its kinda a lie and kinda not.

He sighed."These are not normal cuts.Are you not telling me something",He asked.

"Look dad,if I knew something else.I would tell you",I said.

"Your right.Im sorry for blaming you about lying",He said.

"It's ok",I said even though I should be the one apologizing to him.

He smiled and went back upstairs.

I put my dishes up and walked out side and to my bike.I have to meet Hannah so I better hurry.

I got on my bike and rode to school.When I got to the school,I walked inside.

"Hey (Y/N)",I heard Jim yell.

"Hey Jim",I said.

"Can I speak to your for a minute",Jim asked.

"Oh,um...of course",I said.

He pulled me into a classroom and looked at me."What are you not telling me",he said.

"What are you talking about",I yelled.

"Why are you always late to class.Your always covered in cuts and bruises when you arrive",Jim said.

"I could say the same about you",I said with my arms crossed.

"Where were you last night",he asked.

"I don't remember.I was at home I guess",I said.

"So you don't remember anything weird happening",he asked.

"No I don't",I said.

"Can you at least tell me how you got those bruises and scratches",he asked.

"Look Jim.I have the right not to tell you something if I don't want to so stop asking",I said while pushing past him.

I walked back to the lockers to see Hannah waiting for me."You promised you would wait for me at the lockers",Hannah complained.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now