Chapter 5 /part 1

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"Now mistress (Y/N).You need to learn to control your wings so take it slow",Star said.

"Pffft,I'm fine star.I've been practicing",I said proudly as Hannah rolled her eyes.

I closed my eyes and thought about a certain direction that I would like to go.
Then,I felt my feet lift off the ground as I flew into the air.

"Told you!Im a pro",I said while spinning in the air.

"Wait for it",Hannah muttered.

All of a sudden,I started losing control.I flew up and down like a roller coaster.I looked around quickly to see me heading for the wall,head first.

"Oh no,no,no",I said as I covered my head with my hands.

"Think of where you want to turn.Your in control",Star yelled.

"Are you sure cause I think it's the other way around",I yelled back.

I screamed and braced myself for impact as I slammed into the wall.

Hannah,Flappper,and Star cringed.

"Ouch.Thats gotta hurt",Hannah said.

I groaned as I sat up."I'm good",I said half consciously while giving them a thumbs up.

Hannah ran over and helped me up."You really need to be more careful",she said.

I held my head and said, "I'm trying but its super hard to concentrate about which way I want to fly.At the same time,I have to fight."

"Just practice some more.I'm sure you'll get it soon",Hannah said.

I nodded as we walked to Star.

"I would give you a 5/10",Star said.

"What?Why?",I asked.

"Well for one,you lost control.Two,you ran into the wall head first",Star said.

"Thanks for pointing that out captain obvious",I said while crossing my arms.

"You need to know how to fly because you will never know when you will need too in during a battle",Star said.

I sighed and looked down."I'm sorry,I'll do better next time",I said.

"Take it easy on her Star.Some people just have to have more time to learn things",Winter said while walking into the arena.

"Oh hello Winter",I said while giving a small bow.

"You don't have to bow",she said.

"I know but I just think it is nice",I said.

She smiled and looked over at Star."Give her time.She has only started using her wings two days ago",Winter said.

"I know but it's hard to train a human.Most dragon hunters can already fly because they are dragons",Star said.

"I know but I never said it wasn't going to be tough.You need to have patience with her",Winter said.

Star nodded and Winter walked up to me.

"All you have to do-",Winter started but I cut her off.

"-is think about which way I want to go,I know",I said.

"No.You have to believe you can do it.You can't be scared of flying",Winter said.

I looked at Hannah and she gave me a slight nod.

I starting thinking about where I want to go again.I flew in the air but when I started losing some control again,Winter yelled,"Think positive!"

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now