Chapter 4 /part 2

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"Jim Lake?Jim Lake?Is Jim Lake here",Senior Uhl asked.

Hannah and I looked around the room but saw an empty seat where Jim usually sat.

"How disappointing...but not entirely unexpected.Moving on",Senior Uhl said while turning around.

"No problemo!Jim's here,virtually",Toby said while running into the class room.

He quickly sat the laptop down on a chair and opened it to revel Jim.

"!Hola!Sorry I couldn't be en escuela Señor Uhl, but I'm sick en casa.Which is fitting,since I'm doing mi comprehensión presentación.on Ponce de León,who muerto-ed from a great illness",Jim said.

Hannah I looked at each other curiously.

"Hey! "muerto-ed" is not a word",Steve yelled.

"Nope.I'm curious to see where this is going.Continue,Mr.Lake",Senior Uhl said.

"Ponce de León, one of the most famoso Spanish conquistadores is best associated with...",he says.

I heard a slight vacuuming sound coming from the computer.Jim suddenly ran to the screen and said,"the fuente de la juventud,the Fountain of Youth".

"What is that horrible noise",Senior Uhl asked.

"Uh,construcción.Uh,remodeling,A minor intrusion.Un minutiae,Señor Uhl",Jim said as his face got smushed into the camera.

"Mr.Lake,are you there?We don't have all time",Senior Uhl said.

"No, need to fight at home",Jim said.

"Mr.Lake,are you there",Senior Uhl asked again.

"Ponce de León joined Columbus in the New...New—What in the world",Jim said while looking around.

I made a confused face.

"Hello?",Senior Uhl asked.All of sudden,Jim screamed.

"You seem distracted.Are you ok?",Senior Uhl asked.Jim was looking at his ceiling with his back facing us.

"I'm fine,I'm fine!",Jim yelled.

"Uh,he sailed las carreras across the oceano...",Jim said.

"Mr.Lake?I don't follow",Senior Uhl said.

All of a sudden,something jumped on Jim making him fall backwards.I couldn't tell what is was.It had big teeth though.

Jim screamed,"¡Arriba!."

The whole class turned their heads to the side in confusion.Even Steve.

"Oh,what joy the New World was!¡Qué bueno!",Jim said.

"Your our of frame, Mr.Lake.I am confused",Senior Uhl said.

Toby looked at everyone and turned the laptop around."Just some technical difficulties!No problem",he said with a nervous chuckle.

Toby said something to the computer and turned in back around."And that'll be all for my presentación",Jim said.

"Actually,by my count,you are three words short,Mr.Lake.If you can't finish the exam,I'll have to fail you",Senior Uhl said.

"Uh,in that case there were muchos problemas in the Nuevo Mundo,the New World",Jim stammered.

"Um...",Jim said until something jumped on him.

"Like vermin who you can't seem to get rid of.Ratas",Jim said.

Jim left the camera and came back panting."But,in the end,They were taken care of.And that is it for my presentación",Jim said.He was panting like crazy.

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