Chapter 7/part 2

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I walked into school and looked around."Hey,Hannah,over here",I yelled as I waved at her.

She waved back and walked over."How did you sleep?"

"Amazing but you can say I'm a little sore",I said.

"That just means you worked really hard.You got to work with BurningFlame too so that was really helpful",she said.

I smiled and walked over to my locker.Hannah flowed.

" ready for the big battle?"

"Not exactly but I do feel more confident in myself then I did before",I said.

"I'm sure you'll do great",she said.

I smiled at how supportive she is."I have to go but I'll see you at 5",she said.

"At 5?",I asked.

"Yeah!Remember,we are meeting Claire,Toby and Jim",she said before leaving.

"Oh,Right",I muttered.

I have to cancel.If the battle is at 5:30,I have to be at Diamond City at 5 to prepare.

Right as I was about to head to class,I bumped into Jim.

"Sorry about that",I said.

"It's fine."

"Look,I have to cancel today.Hannah and I can't come.We have some...important matters to attend to",I said.

"It's alright.In fact,I had to cancel anyway because I have to be somewhere",he said.

"We can go tomorrow if you want",I said.

"I'm babysitting tomorrow but I'll tell you when I'm free",he said.

"You...babysitting?Wow,I wonder how that's going to end",I said while rolling my eyes.

"I'm not that bad at babysitting",he said.

"Sure",I said as I walked to class.


"Now class,please pull out your psychics homework from last night",the teacher said.

"Oh crap",I muttered.

"What's wrong?",Hannah whispered.

"I didn't complete the homework",I said as I face palmed.

"How much did you get done?"

"10 problems out of 30",I said.

"Yikes..Yeah,your doomed",She said as the teacher came in front of me.

"Miss (L/N),Why is this not completed?"

"I um...I got a little busy",I said.

Right as she was about to say something,the speaker went off.

"(Y/N) (L/N),please report to Mr.Stricklers office."

I looked at Hannah as she shrugged her shoulders."Please be back soon",the teacher said as she pointed to the door.

I gave her a weak smile before grabbing my bag and dashing out the classroom door.

Why would Mr.Strickler want me?Am I in trouble?

I stopped in front of the history teachers office door and opened it slowly.

"Ah Mistress D,please come in",he said.

Mistress D?He only called me that once before but now he is saying it like I'm royalty or something.

I stepped in and sat down on the chair in front of him.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now