Chapter 7/part 1

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"Look,I don't know if can do this",I said into the phone.

"You have made a lot of progress over the past couple weeks.You will beat the Trollhunter for sure!",Hannah said back.

"I'm not so sure about that.Most of the time,Im trying to solve the obstacles Star throws at me so I don't get killed",I said.

"I doubt you will die in the battle.Remember,you will be a dragon",she said.

"True but I hope that Vendel forgives me.I just wanted to help the people in danger because what's the point of me helping people if I can't even help them.I needed the information but instead,I was thrown into the wall and was seen by a troll.Then,he tried to eat me so I sliced his arm",I said.

"It all happened so quickly",she said.

"I guess all we can do is practice for the battle tomorrow",I said.

"Yeah but I'll see you in an hour.We have to go to Diamond City to train anyway",She said.

"Yeah ok,bye",I said as I hung up.

I put my phone on my desk and pulled out my laptop to finish up my homework.

Chemistry homework is like the worst kind of homework you can have.

As I was working out a problem,my dad walked in with a plate of brownies.

"Hey sweetheart,how's the homework coming along",he asked.

"Um.. great,just great",I said without taking my eyes off the laptop screen.

"Is something bothering you",he asked as he sat the brownies down.

"Pffft,of course not",I said as I turned my chair to face him.

"Are you sure?",he asked.

"Yeah,I'm sure.Thanks for the snack",I said as I grabbed a brownie.

He smiled.As he was about to leave my room,I stopped him.

"Hey dad?",I said.


"If something ever happens to me,promise me that you'll be ok",I said.

"Nothing is going to happen to you and I can't imagine life without my little girl",he said.

"But what if something did happen",I asked.

"Well then...I wouldn't know what to do anymore",he said as he left my room.

I groaned as I got back to my homework.I care about my dad a lot and it's been hard ever since mom left.

Dad has always been my best friend,right next to Hannah.He is one of the most important things to me and I would go crazy without him.He tries so hard to take care of us and keep me happy.Its like all he does is work most of the time.

Now, my mom has a really bad past.She would always come home late at night and was drunk.She never cared about us even when she wasn't drunk.Before she had me,she was really depressed about some things that happened on her family.I understand that she was sad but she didn't have to take it out in herself.She made some really bad decisions in her life.

Not long after my 5th birthday,she started cheating on my dad with another guy she met somewhere. I never knew why she did it but later we found out she passed away In a car accident leaving dad to take care of me all alone.

Hannah is the only person I talk about this too because I'm scared that dad will be mad that I asked.No one else knows about my moms past and I'm happy with keeping it that way.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now