Chapter 1 /part 2

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I pulled my bike up next to Hannah's house and knocked on the door.

She came door and opened it."Oh,hey (Y/N)",she said.

"Are you still busy",I asked.

"Yup,I was stuck babysitting my three siblings and I still am",Hannah said while letting me inside.

"Ok, well remember that amulet I found.The thing with the gem and stuff.It works!",I yelled while walking inside.

"Can't this wait (N/N)",Hannah asked.

"Nope.How much longer do you think you'll be stuck doing this",I asked.

"I have no clue but you can stay here if you like",Hannah said.


She nodded as a little 6 year old jumped on her.Then,another one knocked her down to the floor.

I laughed."This is going to be interesting",I said.

At your house
"8 hours! I didn't plan on it to take 8 hours",I yelled.

"Well,we had to fix lunch,dinner and we had to clean up",She said.

"Okay,Hannah.Your never going to believe this",I said.

"My head hurts",Hannah complains while grabbing a bag of ice.

"Check this out",I said while pulling out the amulet.

"Do you have any medicine",Hannah asked.

"Hannah,pay attention",I say while taking a deep breath.

"Hmm",She said while looking around.

"For the glory of Merlin,Moonlight is mine to-",I was cut off by Hannah slamming the fridge.

"Really",I asked.

"Sorry,needed more ice.I freakin hurt",she said while putting the ice on her head.

I took a deep breath and held the amulet out.I watched as the amulet levitated in the air out of my hand.Then,I as picked up off the ground and a big blast of purple light surrounded me.As the armor clung to my body,I was dropped back to the floor.

I opened my eyes to see Hannah with a pale face.Her eyes were so big that you would think she saw her life flash before her eyes.


Then,she passed out.

"Ok,that was not what I would have expected her reaction to be",I said to myself.

About an hour later she started waking up."Hannah,are you ok",I asked.

She sat up and held her head."Yeah,Im fine but OMG you totally need to use this against mean people",Hannah said.

"Are you kidding me.I show you a magic sword and beautiful armor and thats how you react",I said.

"Ok,technically my reaction was me passing out",she said.

"What are you,like a super hero now",she asks.

"I'm kinda a um...Dragon hunter",I said.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now