Chapter 4 /part 1

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I walked through the school and into the theater room.

"Oh hello Miss (L/N),I'm glad you made it on time",Mrs.Janeth said

"Yeah.I wanted to make sure I'm prepared for the play",I said while setting my bag down.

"Have you seen Mister Lake",she asked.

"No ma'am.I haven't seen him since math class",I said.

She shook her head and looked at me.

"Alright.We will just have to continue without him",she said.

I nodded as I got on stage.

(Time skip to after practice)

I bowed as Eli and Mrs.Janeth clapped for me.

"Excellent Job Miss (L/N)",Mrs.Janeth said.

"Thanks",I said while getting of the stage.I quickly took a sip of my water bottle and looked at the time.

Oh shoot.Im suppose to meet Hannah at my house at 6:30!

"Sorry Mrs.Janeth but I have to go",I said.

"Alright.Awesome job today.Keep up the good work",she said.

I smiled and grabbed my bag.I quickly ran out of the school and got onto my bike.

"Hannah is going to kill me if I'm late.Including Star",I muttered as I rode my bike to my house.

This play actually means a lot to me now.It didn't before but now that I'm doing it,it's like another big responsibility.It really pushes my buttons that Jim wasn't there today.

I pulled my bike up to the garage and sat it down.Then,I quickly ran inside.

"Is Hannah here yet",I asked my dad.

"No,she hasn't arrived yet",he said.

I sighed in relief and plopped down on the couch."(Y/N),I'm starting to worry about you.You keep disappearing and coming home late",my dad said.

"You don't have to worry dad.Im always with Hannah",I said.

"I actually had a talk with Hannah's parents and they have also noticed that Hannah disappears a lot too.What is so important that you two disappear and don't come back till midnight",he asked.

"There's nothing to worry about.We have a umm...midnight study session at the park.Sometimes we get carried away and stay to long",I said.

My dad made a unsure look and shook his head.

"Alright",he said while standing up."I understand that you don't want to tell me something.Just know that I'm always here for you",my dad said.I know he didn't believe me but I also know that he trusts me.

"Thanks dad",I said.
He went to his room to sleep some.

I walked to the back yard to see Star."Where's Hannah",She asked.

"She hasn't came yet.Just wait a little longer",I said.

Star nodded.

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