Chapter 8/part 2

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I woke up to my alarm clock beeping like it's no body's business.

I sighed in relief.No worries,no troubles,just peace.

I changed into my clothes and put my hair in a French braid.Then,I headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Something smells delicious",I said as I entered the kitchen.I looked over to the stove to see dad cooking some bacon and eggs.

"I made you a special breakfast.I've noticed that you've been down a little the past couple days so I hoped this would perk you up some",he said as he put some bacon on my plate.

"Thanks dad",I said.

"How did you do on that Spanish test the other day?"

"I got a 95",I said.

"That's my girl!"

I smiled and ate my breakfast before grabbing my bag."Thanks again dad!Ill see you later",I said as I ran out the door.

It was a beautiful outside.I grabbed my bike and rode to school.

As I pulled up to the school,I noticed everyone was staring at me.

"Um ok?",I muttered as I went to my locker.

As I was grabbing my books,Mary Sue ran up to me.

"Hey (Y/N),is it true!?",she asked.

"Is what true?"

"That your dating Steve",she said.

"Wait what!No way.Im not dating Steve",I said.

"Are you sure?He made a full speech about it and posted it on my blog last night",she said.

"I wouldn't date Steve in a million years",I said.

She laughed."Alright,I'll delete it."

"Thanks Mary and btw,make sure that Steve gets what he deserves",I said.

"You can count on me (Y/N)",she said as she ran off.

I smiled and continued grabbing my things out of my locker.I was looking in the mirror in my locker until I noticed who was behind me.

I sighed.

"Are we going to talk about what happened yesterday?",he asked.

I turned around."I don't really want to",I muttered.

"You tried to kill me",he said.

"I didn't know it was you!",I said.

"Look,I'm sorry about what I did yesterday.I didn't mean to get mad at your for something you didn't do",he said.

"Oh,it's alright",I said.

"I heard what happened",he said.

"Who told you?",I asked quietly without making eye contact with him.

"Hannah did.She's worried about you",he said.

"I don't care!Im free to do what I want now.I can focus on more important things like my grades",I said.

He stayed silent."Whats more important than protecting a whole other world.Especially Dragons",He said.

"I'm not their protector anymore.I don't care what they do",I said.

"You did the right thing.There is no reason to why you have to kill me just to make peace with us",He said.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now