Chapter 5/part 2

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"They're at it again",Hannah said.

"Yup",I said as I watched Steve try to demolish Jim.

"Dodge this,Lake!",Steve yelled

I watched as Steve threw the ball at Jim.Jim quickly did a tuck and roll out of the way as he dodged another ball from a kid.

As he was talking to his friend Toby,he kept dodging more balls coming at him.

Toby lazily threw a ball as one hit him in the stomach.He didn't move a muscle as Jim continued to dodge every ball coming at him.

Jim quickly dodged two balls that Steve threw at him as Steve started to get frustrated.

The other kids started cheering on Jim as him and Steve battled each other.

Jim did all kinds of flips and jumps as he dodged the balls.

Steve growled as Toby got hit twice in his face and then,he got hit where the sun don't shine.

Toby fell over as Steve yelled,"In your face!You're out,Domzalski!"

Jim and Eli were the last two people left on the other side while Steve had multiple people left.

Steve threw a ball at Jim again as Jim dodged it.Instead,the balls hit Eli in the face.

Two more balls came at Jim as he caught them and jumped up.He quickly threw the balls at the other two players on Steve's team.

Eli and Jim high fives as Steve claps.

"Pretty good,Romeo,but kiss your Juliet goodbye",he said.

"Leave (Y/N) out of this",Jim said.

"Maybe we should go",I whispered.

"No way,this is just getting good",Hannah said.

"Don't let him get to you-Ow!Seriously?",Toby said as a kid threw a ball at him.

"Pucker up,Steve,and kiss this!",Jim said as he threw a ball at Steve.Steve dodged it.

As the door opened up,Claire walked in but ended up being hit by the ball.

Claire screams as she gets hit and falls down.

Toby,Jim,Steve,Hannah,and I ran to Claire along with coach.

"Ooh,headshot!Shake it off, Nuñez!",coach yelled.


Hannah and I walked into the girls locker room and changed out of our gym clothes.

"That was crazy!Did you see Claire's face when she found out Jim did it",Hannah said as she started laughing.

"I feel bad for her.Its not everyday that you get knocked up side the head with a dodgeball and end up getting a flat lip",I said.

"She'll be fine",Hannah said.

"Hope so",I said.

"Let's go ahead and go to Diamond City.Im sure Star wouldn't like us to be late for training",Hannah said.

We left the school and I grabbed my amulet."For the glory of Merlin,Moonlight is mine to command",I said as my armor formed.

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