Chapter 2

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"This is breathtaking Star",I said as we flew to a floating island.

"Yes,It truly is.Its also what you will be protecting",Star said.

When we made it to the island,we landed on a cloud.

I looked at Star unsure if it holds my weight but she nodded.I gently put one foot down and then the other.

"Wow",I said as I looked around.I twirled and looked at Star."This is even more amazing than I thought"!

"I think it's time for you to meet our leader",Star said as she walked on all fours.

"Your leader"?

"Yes,she controls the whole island.She makes sure the diamond is safe and is protected.Without the diamond,this whole world would collapse",Star said.

"What's her name"?

"Winter.She cares about this place and every Dragon in it",Star said.

As we were walking,we came to a stop in front of a wall."What's this",I asked.

"This is the opening to all DiamondCity",Star said while grabbing some kind of gem.It was blue and it was attached to a handle.I watched as she drew a circle and pushed on the wall.The wall disappeared and we walked inside.I gasp in amazement.

There were dragons flying around and the site was breathtaking.

"Wow",I said as I looked around.

"Stay close to me.Dragons are not aware that the dragon hunter is a human.They have never seen a human for that matter",Star said.

I gently held onto her wing and walked with her as we went through the village.Dragons growled at me as I walked by.

We went to the middle of the village to stop at a big crystal ball.It was a light blue color that shines brightly in the sun.We walked inside and walked through the hall.When we came to a stop,I looked up to see a white dragon.She had light blue scales covering her wings and down the middle of here face.

"Hello your highness",Star said while kneeling down to her.

I looked at Star confused and then also bowed.

"Hello Star,(Y/N)",Winter said.

"You know my name"?

"Yes,I know everyone's names.Star has told me that your the new Dragon hunter.Im surprised it picked a human but I shall not question the amulets choice",Winter said.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you",I said.

"The pleasure is all mine",Winter said.

"Your highness,she has faced off Raven already and survived",Star said.

Winter looked at me and smiled."Great Job Dragon Hunter",she said.

I smiled as she wrapped her tail around my waist and flew off into the air.

She stopped mid air in front of a diamond.It was big and was located in the center of the crystal dome we are in.

"This is the Diamondheart",Winter said.

"It's beautiful",I said.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now