Chapter 6/part 2

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As I was in a deep sleep,all snug in my comfy bed until my alarm clock went off.

"Are you kidding me",I muttered before rolling over.As I was right about to go back to sleep,my dad walks in.

"Time to get up kiddo",he said as he walked up to me.

"No",I muttered.

He shook his head and threw the covers off of me.

"Breakfast will be ready in 10",he said as he walked downstairs.

I groaned and sat up in bed.As I got up,I went to my dresser and got ready for the day.I quickly put on my favorite,purple hoodie and fixed my hair for the day.

Then,I grabbed my bag and went down the stairs.

"Finally",He said as I sat down.He put a plate of pancakes out in front of me,covered in syrup.

"This looks delicious",I said as I started eating them.

"I'll give you the recipe when you get back from school",he said as he grabbed the dishes.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie?Its like 98 degrees outside",dad said.

"I um...I'm just super cold.Y'know,the norms",I said as I put my plate away.

"Bye dad",I said quickly and ran out the door before he could say anything.

I decided to walk today considering I have wings if something happens.I really don't want dad to get mad at me for losing my bike somewhere in the woods.

When I got to the school,I opened the locker.When I opened my locker,I felt a wave a pain hit my arm.

"Gosh,this really stings",I muttered.

I guess that is what happens when a dragon scratches you with it's claw.

I put my bag in my locker and took out my books,laptop,and headphones.

As I was making sure I had everything together,someone spooked me.

"Morning person",they said.

I yelped and turned around."Hannah,you little-",I said.

She laughed."Sorry but it was funny.How are you so early?We only got a few hours of sleep",She said.

"I don't know but I do know that my arm is still hurting",I said as I closed my locker.

"I hope it gets better soon",She said.

"Me too,I don't know how much longer I can stand this hoodie in this weather",I said while tugging on the sleeve.

"That cut literally goes from your shoulder to your wrist."

"Yup and I don't know how I'm going to train like this",I said.

"Don't worry,I'm sure everything will turn out fine",Hannah said.

I gave her a small smile along with a shrug.

"Hey (Y/N)",I heard Jim say.

I turn around to see Jim and his friend Toby.

"Oh hey!Morning guys",I said.

"Morning,you ready for that test today",Jim asked.

"Not really",I muttered.

"Me either but I wish you luck on it.Its like 60% of our grade",he said.

"Hey Hannah",Toby said.

Hannah replied with a smile as her and Toby continued talking.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now