Chapter 6/part 1

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"Come on Hannah",I groaned as I threw her a black robe that I dug out of the garbage.

"Please don't make me wear this again.I can't stand the smell of it",Hannah said.

"Unless you want to be a Troll's chew toy,I would suggest you wear it",I said.

"Well maybe you should have remembered to bring an actual,clean robe!",Hannah said.

I rolled my eyes as I put on the robe.After Hannah and I put on the robes,we pulled the hood over our heads.

"How long is this going to take?",She asked.

"As long as it needs to",I said as I crouched down behind a bush.

"Why are you crouching?The trolls aren't here-",She started but before she finished her sentence,I pulled her down by her arm.

"Shhhh",I whispered as I heard footsteps.

I peaked over the bush to see the same two trolls that we saw the other day.

"How did you know what time they would be here.They are scared of daylight",Hannah asked.

"Lucky guess and they are under a bridge so they don't get burnt by the sun.It protects them",I whispered as I creeped out from behind the bush.

As they opened the door to Trollmarket,Hannah and I ran in behind them before it closed.

"Do you remember your way around",Hannah asked.

"I Uh...",I said, before I was cut off by a voice.

"Get down!",Hannah said in a whisper yell voice.She quickly pushed me behind a crystal.

We got down behind the crystal as the door opened up again.

A huge troll that was grey with,what looked liked moss,on his back entered along with a small blue troll.The small troll was blue,had six eyes and four arms.

"What are we going to do about these Goblins?The Trollhunter cant possibly get rid of them all before they hurt the humans",The small blue troll said.

"So they are doing something about them",I mumbled.

I gasped and covered my mouth as the trolls turned around.

Hannah glared at me as I made an apologetic look.

I mouthed the words 'sorry' to her as the small troll walked up to the crystal.Hannah and I looked at each other with wide eyes as we backed up into the crystal as far as we could go.We quickly pulled our knees to our chest as the small troll looked over the crystal.

"Hmmm",he said before walking off.We waited till we heard their footsteps fade down the stairs until we got up.

"That was close",I mumbled.

"Ya think",Hannah said.

"Oh hush.Im just really surprised that the Trollhunter is actually doing something with the goblins",I said.

"Did you hear the part where the troll said something about how the Trollhunter can't possibly handle all the goblins himself",Hannah asked.

I nodded."That's why we are looking for a book with information on Goblins.That way we will be ready to fight them."

"Didn't Winter say that it was only the Trollhunters job to handle the goblins.I really don't want to feel Winters wrath when she finds out what we have been up too",Hannah said.

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