Chapter 10/part 1

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  I noticed a minion was trying to sneak behind me so I ran up the wall and did a backflip behind the minion and sliced him in a blink of an eye.

I watched as he turned into black sand and got swept away by the light breeze.

Behind,I heard clapping."Nice work (Y/N),maybe next time you can go against me",he said.

"Oh like that's hard",I said sarcastically.

He smiled as I put my cloak back on.I left the hood down still.

"You need more practice so I had a talk with Gunmar and he said you need to practice with a changeling",he said.

"Oh cool.Which changeling do i get to kill",I asked.

"You won't be killing him but you'll be training with Strickler",He said.

"The one in the human world?",I asked.

He nodded."You have trained here for two weeks and we think it's time for a change in surroundings.You shall stay with Stickler and train with him.He is a high school teacher so you should be fine",he said.

"I'm going to that flesh-bag school",I asked in disgust.

"No.You will stay hidden,out of sight and get information on the Trollhunter",he said.

"Um no thanks",I said as I threw my sword at the wall.My sword cut right threw the rock in no time.

"It's your destiny to kill the Trollhunter.You've been training for this for a long time and now that you have it,you need to take it!",He said as he motioned his hands in front of me.

"I don't want to though",I muttered with my hands on my hips.

"Too bad.You have great potential and can accomplished anything you want if you try!If that want to be head of the army",he said.

"I can be captain?",I asked as I lifted my head up.

"Well of course...if you'll go back",he said.

"Fine",I said.

"Great.Stickler will be waiting",He said.

I walked over to the wall and put my sword at my side.

We walked over to the portal which wasn't to far.

Dictatious turned and handed me a purple amulet."The Dragon Hunter amulet?",I asked.

"Yes",He said.

"I can't.It belongs to Gunmar,he killed the dragon hunter and if we lost it-"

"You won't lose it.I trust you",he said.

I smiled and tucked the amulet in my pocket.

As I got close to the portal,the amulet glowed through my pocket as the bridge opened up just enough for me to get through.

"It won't hold long.Hurry now",he said.

I nodded."Do not get distracted.Stay on task",he yelled before I face planted on the other side.

I looked up to see feet.My eyes widen as I jumped up and held my sword at his face.

"Who are you!",I yelled.

He touched the end of my sword and slowly lowered it."I'm Mr.Strickler.Your trainer",he said.

I looked at him unsure.

He rolled his eyes as his eyes glowed a bright yellow.

I nodded and walked along side of him."Did he explain your mission",he asked with his hands behind his back.

The Dragon Hunter(Wattys 2019 entry~Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now