Chapter 9/part 2

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Dictatious's POV

I watched carefully as Gunmar walked up to the minions.

"Let her go",Gunmar said sternly.

The minions immediately let go of (Y/N) as she was frozen in fear.

Gunmar grinned as he took out his sword and held it in front of (Y/N)'s head.

Before she could say anything,Gunmar used his blade to take control of her sole.

"She won't remember anything about Arcadia or what we talked about.She will forget her whole past",he said.

"What would you like me to do with her your evilness",I said nervously.

He put his blade away as we both stared at the teenage girl,passed out on the cold hard floor.

"When she wakes up,you will train her immediately and depending on how good she is,I will make her captain of the army",he said putting his arms behind his back.

"What if she asks about her past?"

"Tell her that her family abandoned her when she was small and we took her in",he said.

I nodded as he went back to his thrown."Take her back to her room",I ordered the minions.

They picked her up and walked out of the room,leaving Gunmar and I.

"If you fail me...there will be consequences",he sneered.

"Yes my lord",I said while leaving the room.


Hannah POV

I was talking to Mary as Jim ran up to me."Have you seen (Y/N)?",he asked.

"Bye Hannah",Mary said as she left.

I turned towards Jim and shook my head."Haven't seen her since yesterday after the battle",I said.

"She missed play practice and she missed school",he said.

"Well she's not at Diamond City because we were banned from there",I said.

"You were what?",he asked.

I looked at my nails and back at him."Yup.She was banned from there for not killing you.She even threw her amulet away and everything.She's falling apart",I said.

"Why didn't you help her?"

"We aren't really on good terms right now so I haven't really spoke to her since then",I said.

He shook his head."Where can she be?"

"I can run by her house and check",I said.

"Good idea.I have to babysit but tell me if you find her",he said while running off to his bike.

Just what I need.I search for the ex-best friend.

After about a 20 minute ride,I arrived at her house.I walked up to her door and knocked.

"Hello Mr.(L/N)",I said as he opened the door.

"Oh hello Hannah.Its good to see you again,come in",he said as he moved out of the way.

I smiled and walked inside.

"I was wondering if (Y/N) was here?"

"Actually,she never came home after school yesterday.I was hoping you would know what happened to her",he said.

"I haven't seen her either.Jim and I are concerned about where she is."

"I'm going to call the police",he said as he pulled out his phone.

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