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"Any last words before your death?"

Said the well-built man, his voice was cold and devoid of emotions as his eyes stared upon the beauty who was a few metres away on the floor.

His eyes held only disdain and loathing.

The person the man was eying at only look elsewhere, instead of looking at the one who spoke to him, the beauty instead glared at his trembling young son who was tightly clutching onto the handsome man slender lover.

The little one teared up with a strong sense of fear and sadness over his mother's cold penetrating gaze.

The beauty with a sneer on his face suddenly spat on the floor, coating the once clean polish tiles with his blood stain. But that didn't get rid of the rest that pooled in his mouth, as slowly more blood descended down his lips and chin dripping drop by drop onto the ground dying the spot he laid on with his essence.

He look over at them all with red bloodshot eyes full of deep intense hatred.

"Mine, everything should have been mine. His love, wealth and everyone's adoration it was all supposed to be mine but no you took it, you took everything from me!!! You vile vixen. And you, you useless child... I wish you were never born, you were only a useless tool that couldn't be used!!"

"Tch... still don't realise your sins...... kill him!"

Just as the man commanded, a flying sword pop up out of the blue and past the man's face, straight away heading over towards its victim.

And immediately it stab straight through the beauty once clear pale skin and cleanly penetrating deep into the beauties heart, killing him instantly.

With a thud, the man sprawled lifelessly on the ground with blooding flowing out of him like an endless river.

Even upon his death, there was no regrets or repentance in the man's eye, you will expect the man to have a little bit of regrets for his past wrongdoings but instead all one could see was just the intense amount of hatred swirling in the mans still open lifeless eyes.

He was a beauty from the outside but an evil entity within. Everyone on the scene just watches on, with some having eyes full of glee whilst the others just sigh with a perplexed look of the beauty demise.

They watch on before leaving to wherever they were previously off too as the beauty on the floor had blood dripping from the corner of his lips and wound, while the man who order the kill simply walked off without a car to comfort his one and only lover who was currently soothing his son.

All that was left on the cold desolate palace floor was the man lifeless lonely body laying in a pool of his own blood, a sword impaled deeply into the his chest with eyes eerily wide open.


"Wahhh... that was intense," said an exhausted boy with a backpack full of camping supplies.

The boy named was Wang Meilin, he was about the age of 22 years old and works as a preschool teacher due to his love for children.

Meilin always wanted a kid to call his own but sadly he can't due to being obviously a male and to top it off he was also in fact gay.

Even though you can adopt, he did sometimes wonder how was it like to give birth to a child, holding them in the womb for 9 months straight, 'Ahh Life is sure beautiful~.'

Wang Meilin childhood wasn't all that interesting but it was he could wish for, he was from a single parent home as his mother left him and his father when he was at the tender age of 12.

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