Chapter 8

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Standing at the entrance stood a cute nervous child, who was holding onto a ragged doll tightly.

Tears gathered in his eyes as he trembled on the spot looking quite scared and pitiful.

Seeing the boy not moving one bit, Meilin decided to speak up after regaining his voice , "Whats wrong Zhao Ming??" he questioned with concerned but to the child, he thought his mama was angry and unconsciously flinched.

Meilin couldn't help but scrunched up his eyebrows when he saw the action, he used the most concerned voice he can ever muster but since the child was used to the originals evil ways, the child thought he was going to get berated instead.

Sighing helplessly to himself Meilin struggled a bit before finally getting up from his bed and made his way towards the trembling boy.

As he neared the little bun, he noticed the boy looking frantically side to side before backing away slowly clearly showing signs he was afraid of him.

Stopping at first then continuing, he could tell the boy was feeling quite scared about his actions possible thinking that he did something wrong.

Even Meilin didn't want to scare the wits out the boy he had to approach him nevertheless, after all, his not the original anymore and since he's living in this body from now on, he accepted that Zhou Ming is his son and his first action should be to show this boy he means no arm even though it would freak him out at first.

Meilin took careful strides getting closer and closer, Zhou Ming still continued backing away step by step until he couldn't anymore due to the door against his back stopping him from his retreat, looking ahead he notice his mama reaching out his hand to him, which caused him too instantly close his eyes by instinct.

He waited for the oncoming slap he slowly gone used too but to his surprise, he felt a soft hand carefully and gently caressing his cheeks.

Opening his eyes wide open with utter confusion he looked upon the hand and then to his mama only to noticed his mama was gazing at him with gentle loving eyes, not the usual cold and disdainful one he was used to.

Meilin seeing the shocked on the little buns face couldn't help but softened his already gentle gaze even more. "Ming'er what's wrong, did you have a nightmare?" He soothingly asked, voice laced with obvious concern.

What he got out of the original memories was that the little bun will usually sleep at this time, since it's afternoon so maybe he woke up a bit early from a sudden nightmare, that's all Meilin could guess and conclude right at the moment.

"Mama..." Ming manage to choke a word out, his expression clearly showed he was near the edge of bursting into tears.

"Yes my little bun," Meilin answered with warmth laced in his voice as he continued his actions of caressing the small bun fluffy silk hair.

Feeling his mama becoming gentle with him, Ming couldn't help but let out soft whimpers that only gradually raised in volume before eventually becoming an incoherent sobbing mess.

"Wuuuuuuu, " Ming bawled loudly, tears cascading down his face like a waterfall in the mountain.

His tears continued to rush down like the raging waters of the sea, he always wanted to receive his mama love and always wondered why his mama never given him any warmth like other children mothers do in the palace.

He always wondered if the reason was that he was a bad child? Or was it because he could never behave when it comes to banquets and classes with other children's? But how could he! They always call mama names to bully him so he couldn't take it and went immediate protection mode to come to his mama defence... though at the end of the day he will always return back to the palace and instead of receiving words full of pride and love what he only get was his mama usual hits and shouts that always spout endlessly of how a useless child he was.

All he wanted was love, warmth and the feeling of being cared for... and not feeling it until now... the gentle gaze and the soothing voice for the first time— he couldn't help but cry from the sudden actions he yearned the most for the past years.

"Shuuu— don't cry Ming'er, is something wrong?" Meilin panicked at the sudden outburst which took him by complete surprise.

"Ma-Mama..hic...hic...d-do you h-hate M-Me," Ming asked through his wack of sobs, trying his absolute best to wipe the endless tears falling continuously down his smooth jade face.

Once again Meilin was taken by surprise, had this child always felt like this, that his mother hated him?!

Though the original maybe did but for him who was now in the body how could he!!

When he first saw the bun Meilin truly felt like his motherly instinct immediately activated as he couldn't help but felt the urge to protect and cherish this child forever.

"Mama never hated you, " Meilin honestly answered as he truly felt sadness overcome him, he didn't know what to say at this moment but the truth.

"I thought m-mama a-always hated me..., " Ming struggled to finish his sentence.

"I'm sorry Ming'er for letting you feel like that I'm sorry for everything before but would you please....give mama a second chance?" Meilin began to tear up, embracing the child within his slender arms, giving him a tight squeeze while Ming wrapped his little arms around his mama in return, crying his heart out.

"Mama....I-I forgive you, " Ming stuttered through his sobs as he hugged his mama tightly, scared that if he ever let go his mama will leave him.

"Mama loves you...I'm sorry for before my precious treasure, " Meilin apologize once more before planting a loving kiss on top the buns forehead that emitted motherly warmth and love to the child in his arms.

'Mama...doesn't hate me," Ming thought as the sudden feeling of happiness bubbled within him.

Meilin didn't let go he continued on hugging the child more tightly, he could tell how much the little bun craves for motherly love and attention since he never received any at the end.

Just some small actions could bring this small child to bawl his eyes this much, you could already tell how much this child suffered during the past few years.

Meilin kissed the boys forehead once again before going back to embrace the bun, picking him up from the floor to lay on the bed.

He has already accepted the boy as his little bun since the moment he found out and swore that on this very day, no matter what he will love and cherish this boy as his very own, cause he was his treasured little bun.

Hey of his random wishes did come true, he finally has a son to call his own.

one of his random wishes did come true, he finally has a son to call his own

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Zhou Ming

Was meant to post this yesterday but had so many parties to go too that once I went home I literally dropped on the bed and fell dead asleep. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter xx

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